Chapter 7

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The next day at school, Annika tells Jamal about the dream and the curse.
"This is getting serious." Jamal says. "We should ask my Uncle Aide about this!"
"Sure! He was a huge help last year!" Annika agrees.
During lunch, Annika and Jamal go to see Uncle Aide at his shop, but they see his other uncle, Jaspar.
"Uncle Jaspar?!" Jamal smiles. "What are you doing here?!"
"Your Uncle Aide handed the job over to me."Jaspar explains.
"Well, we need your help." Jamal says.
"Ooooh, is this your girlfriend?" Jaspar asks.
"Actually, yes." Jamal says. "It feels so weird to say yes now that I actually can."
Annika giggles.
"What do you need help with?" Jaspar asks.
"What is this?" Annika shows him the mark on her arm.
"That's the Mark of Hades! It's an evil curse! Other than the Mark of Athena, which is a good mark." Jaspar explains.
"What do we do?" Jamal asks.
"There's nothing you can do. You're cursed."
That night, Annika and Gran eat dinner together before she leaves.
"I'm glad you visited, Gran." Annika says.
"Me, too." Gran says. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you, too."
Jamal and Sami come in, laughing and telling jokes.
"Having fun?" Annika snaps.
"Sorry." Jamal and Sami mutter as they leave.
"Don't worry. He likes you." Gran says.
"Yeah, but he likes Sami as well."
After Gran leaves, Annika and Jamal talk in Annika and Danya's room.
"How are we supposed to be together if you're technically dating Sami, too?" Annika says.
"No! Annika, you're the one I'm dating!"
The dollhouse stars glowing.
"Woah!" Annika runs up to it and sees that it belonged to Sarah.
The dollhouse shines on the wall and they're are words;
'Find the mask hidden below.'

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