Chapter 3 ~ Before

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Some movie was playing on the laptop, I hadn't a clue what it was. Some sci-fi movie most likely, Will loves those.

His soft lips were pressed against mine in the soft shadow of a July storm coming in through the bedroom window. We had been dating a couple months, wandering aimlessly through our newfound relationship that was no longer platonic. But at that age, a few months was a long time to have been committed to one person.

Will never was good with words, but he definitely has a way with his lips. Every kiss sends tingles down my spine and triggers my heart to beat a little faster.

"Will?" I whisper against his mouth and open my eyes.

He looks back at me and smiles, "Yes Nora?"

Watching his lips say my name is one of my most favourite things.

"Do you think much about what will happen to all of us?"

He climbs off of me and lays beside me on the bed. We roll over to face each other and I watch him, waiting for a reply.

"You mean like, how are we all going to die?"

"No, not that you doofus. I mean the future. After school when we all go off and start leading our own lives."

We are only in grade 10, but the years felt as if they were somehow getting shorter.

"Yeah, I think about it sometimes."

I build up enough courage to ask what I've been wanting to ask for a while. "Do you see me in it? Your future, I mean"

He smiles. "Is this some sort of test or something?"

"Why do you always think I'm trying to play mind games with you?" I say casually.

"I don't think you are," he argues, "I know you are."

"You're so full of shit." I joke and sit up, grabbing the pillow that was under my head and hitting him with it.

As he sits up to hit me with his pillow, I mentally note that he avoided answering my question. He somehow always manages to dodge questions about anything to do with the future beyond the next few months of our lives. I made sure to remember to ask him again another time as I was still set on knowing the answer.

It was so easy to fall into our relationship that I hadn't even realised we were already about four months in. For a huge part of my life, William O'Brien had been the annoying but adored brother I never had, and Mia had been the older and wiser sister I always wanted.

Neither Will or I officially asked the other one out, it just kind of happened. There was no "will you be my girlfriend?" or "do you like me?" or "I want to date you". It happened like the way you walk out into the ocean, the water level slowly creeping up your body until suddenly your feet can't touch the bottom.

I was drowning alright. Deep deep down in the pool of warm cuddles and electric kisses. It is so fun.... so simple. It's like nothing could ever ruin this feeling or the way I feel about Will. Nothing.

"You hungry?" Will pecks my forehead.

"What are you offering?"

"Mum baked a batch of doughnuts today. You know how she loves to coat them thick in cinnamon sugar." He coaxes me.

I lick my lips and nod. "Yes please."


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