Chapter 23 ~ After

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The time between Christmas and New Years is short, and it certainly felt it.

I successfully avoided everyone for the first few days until they started ringing me one after the other, so I had no choice but to pick up.

They were all about the New Years party. Camping on the beach, a bonfire, alcohol. I knew it was a trap. I would go, something bad would happen, and I would leave no better off than I was before.

But in the end I gave up caring and decided I'd go anyway. What did I have to lose? By this point all my self esteem had been swallowed by this black hole of a town and in their eyes there was nothing I could ever do to redeem myself anyway.

So I said "fuck it", and I went.


I was on the backseat crammed between Rose and Annie while Mia drove and Will sat shotgun.

It was surprisingly less awkward than I thought it would be. Everyone was on a high; excitement for the new year and promises of alcohol fuelling their happiness. I was glad for it too.

The happier people were the less drama they would cause out of boredom, giving me a better chance of surviving through the night.

"I'm going to get white girl wasted," Rose laughs.

"That hangover I got from when us three went to that house party has put me off heavy drinking." Annie admits.


"Shut your face, I don't need alcohol to have fun."

"I'm with Rose, I am craving the bubbles." Mia says.

"Will?" Annie asks.

"I never make plans. I will see where the night takes me."


I had been quiet the whole trip. "I guess I'm the same as Will. Although I don't really want to drink too much at all."

"It is New Year's Eve, Nora! Live a little!" Mia enthuses.

"I agree," Rose adds, "Let loose, have fun, say goodbye to the past and hello to the future."

I roll my eyes with a smile as Mia drives the car down a gravel track. We park it in a small open area off the side of the road and walk the last few meters down to the beach.
There are already heaps of people and a bunch of tents set up in a designated area.

I didn't own a tent so I was desperately hoping there would be some room somewhere for me to sleep, that's if I sleep tonight at all.

People were talking in groups and slowly gathering fire wood to start the bonfire.

"Shall we get these tents up so we don't have to worry about it later?"
Will suggests and we all follow him a little further down the beach.

I try and help out but seem to only get in the way, so I decide to help collect fire wood instead.

"Hey there."

I drop the sticks and smile kindly, "Hey, Percy."

"This fire is going to be a ripper."

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