Chapter 9 ~ After

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"Alright kids! Listen up please!" Liz claps her hands to get the children's attention.

I help herd them towards her then I stand beside her as they sit down to listen.

"Who can tell me something they have learnt today?" Liz asks the group.

A few hands shoot up and wave frantically for attention.

"Yes, Holly?"

A little girl with braided hair speaks up, "The hand signal for when you are in trouble in the water."

"Very good!" Liz beams.

My mind is somewhere else today. Me and Will went driving again last night, back and forth around town for hours. We didn't talk much at all, but we did kiss a lot. I'm trying my hardest not to think about what this now means for me and him as my overthinking normally ruins things.


I look at Liz's honey coloured eyes and smile, "Yeah?"

"You alright? You seem distracted. I know this is only your first day but I think you are doing really well."

"Thank you, but I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure, see you." She nods as the little girl Holly grips onto her hand. I discovered it was her daughter, and was the same crying child Liz was comforting the first day I saw her.

I head back to my car and throw my beach bag on the back seat. I pluck today's note from my window and read the handwritten words. 'No one wants you here, whore.'

The sound of a quiet fox whistle causes me to turn around. I recognise his eyes instantly and smile. He glances around quickly to make sure no one is looking then takes a few steps to close the gap between us. I scrunch up and ditch the paper note under my car before he notices.

"Have a good day?" Will kisses my lips softly.

"It was fun, you?"

"Worked. Just a normal day."

He holds my waist and begins to trail kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. I curl my toes and let out a relaxed and pleasurable sigh.

"Do you have to be anywhere?" He nuzzles under my chin.

"Actually, I do." I remember solemnly and he pulls away, "I have to go see Rose before I go home."

"Ok." He plants a solid kiss on my lips then winks goodbye.

I get into my car and drive down the street to the jewellery store. The bell rings as I enter, Rose appearing shortly after.

"Afternoon." She greets.

"Afternoon to you to. Been busy?"

"Yes, actually. I haven't sat down all day." She rests her elbows on the counter and her head in her hands.

"That's summer tourists for you."

Annie joins us and greets me brightly, as always.

"Do you want to come over tonight? We are having a luxury night with facials and manicures." Rose offers.

It wasn't particularly my thing, but I was willing to do anything to get my relationship with Rose back.

"Sounds great! I'll bring some snacks."


I rummage through our cupboards for snacks that actually contains some amount of sugar. After not much luck, I head over to Rose's with a measly packet of plain chips that's only half full.

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