Chapter 22 ~ Before

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Weeks of nonstop torture.

My house was egged, toilet papered, spray painted, water ballooned and any other type of vandalism you can think of.

And whatever happened to my house, happened to me.

I came back to my locker after every lesson to find a new abundance of hate letters.

Slut, whore, incest lover, tramp, the town bike, skank, satan worshiper, etc etc. You'd be surprised what insults judgemental people can come up with.

I had applied for a nearby boarding school but changing over halfway through the year was difficult and required a bit of time. So I had no choice but to deal with it until then.

The weekends were my safe haven. I didn't have to leave my house and I could stay inside my room and watch Netflix all day. It was the only time I was safe while people were waging world war 3 on my front lawn and on me at school.

So it was a Saturday afternoon and I was on the fifth season of 'Supernatural' when there was a knock at the front door. I knew it wasn't Rose since I was messaging her, so I guessed a salesperson or church group.

I climb out of my bed which is covered in chip packets and chocolate wrappers. I reluctantly open the door but get a shock to who I see on the other side.

"Hey," is all she says.

"Hi." I reply.

Her bracelets jingle as she shifts her weight and awkwardly scratches her arm.

"What are you doing here?" I try to sound non-threatening, frightened I'll scare her away.

"To be honest, I don't know." Mia admits.

I step back and open the door into my house for her. She smiles and steps in, going straight to the kitchen to sit down.

"How are you doing?" She asks.

Everyone hates me, I lost my boyfriend and my best friend, I get graffitied and vandalised every single day, I can't leave my house, I've gained five kilos, and I've cried over 'Supernatural' more times than I'd like to admit. How does she fucking think I'm doing?!

"I'm doing okay."

"That was probably a stupid question."

"A little bit," I tease with a smile, trying my best to lighten the mood.

She is sat on a stool and I am leaning against the bench not far from her. I scan her over and can barely comprehend how exquisitely perfect she is.

"How's Will?" I dare to venture.

"How can anyone ever know with him? I haven't heard him speak in weeks."

"Not sure if that is a good thing or not."

Mia shrugs, "Me neither."

It is her turn to observe me and it makes me feel self conscious. Her ash grey eyes follow my figure from top to bottom, then up again.

"I've missed you," she says afterwards, returning her gaze to mine.

The words ring a bell of hope somewhere deep inside of me.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you too." I reply.

"I've been thinking about it and I know you didn't mean for people to find out, and I don't blame you for how it happened. Obviously I'm hurt by what you said to me and everything but you know I'm not one for grudges and I need you more than anyone-"

"Shut up," I tell her before taking two large steps to close the gap between us.

I press my mouth to hers, letting her scent intoxicate me like an addictive drug. She wraps her legs around me and pushes her pelvis into mine, her hands sliding down to my bum cheeks and staying there. My hands lead with a mind of their own under her shirt and begin tracing circles on her smooth skin.

An erotic sound escapes Mia's lips, making my body twitch with adrenaline.

There was no turning back after that. I knew I was moving away to boarding school and that there was slim chance of a future between me and her. But that didn't stop me loving her.

And hell did I love her that Saturday afternoon.


Life's Not A DoughnutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora