Chapter 20 ~ After

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Will didn't notice me until I was almost right behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

He looks taken back by my tone, "Could ask you the same."

"You can't be here, Annie and Rose are here somewhere."

"Here somewhere? What, you lost them?"

I push him towards the door, "Look, it doesn't matter, you have to leave!"

"No!" He digs his heals in and frowns.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean I want to stay. I came here to party and I will do just that."

"Are you stupid? Seriously Will you can't be here."

I try again to push him through the people but he doesn't budge. I take a moment to realise how good he looks, his hair styled with gel and his clothes neat.

"I won't cause trouble, Nora."

Will glances around quickly then kisses me on the lips.

"I have to talk to Annie about us before we do anymore of that."

"Well hurry up then," he winks

It amazes me how fast he can turn a conversation from one mood to another.

"Please just....avoid us tonight, ok?"

He shrugs, "Ok."

My phone buzzes in my jacket pocket and I turn my back on him.


"Nora Baxter, you better have a bloody good explanation up your sleeve."

"Rose? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your renewed interest in William O'Brien's tonsils."

I look around me, spinning in circles and searching for her face in the crowd.

"Look up."

I turn my gaze and follow the staircase up to the second floor landing. Rose is watching me with her phone to her ear, Bee still sat on the floor with her legs through the railings where I left her. She is looking back and forth between us with a worried look.

"Rose please don't-"

"Why shouldn't I tell her? Annie deserves to know the truth about why Will broke up with her."

"This isn't why! He told me they weren't even dating in the first place!"

"And you believe him? Even after hearing Annie's side of the story, you still choose to be strung along by Will?"

"Rose, I didn't know how Annie felt about it until tonight. God this is all just so-"

"Fucked up? Deceitful? Cruel?"

"Messy," I say in frustration.

"Funny how you always seem to be in the centre of the mess."

Annie appears from the upstairs bathroom and skips over to hug Rose.

"Who you talkin' to?" I hear her ask.

I sternly hold my gaze with Rose. "I will tell her, I promise. Just please, don't ruin her night."

She continues to stare at me while Annie watches her curiously. Annie follows the line of sight and spots me on the floor.

"Hey there's Nora! You found her!" Rose exclaims as she excitedly points down at me.

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