Chapter 3 - In the middle of the storm

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Like I had said before this story is very short maybe 12 chapters or not even that much.

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Kate was thinking about what senator Braken had said but she didn't had the same opinion as him. Well she is not in New York so she doesn't know specifically if the theater is killing the city.

Today she had an aim when she get home. Talk to her son and explain to him that nothing is easy in like and her job was very important to the whole world so she couldn't have vacations.

The day was boring as hell and she still had a lot to do but something was not right she could feel it. Something is wrong and she is worry but she doesn't know what.

"MISS PRESIDENT — MISS PRESIDENT — KATE !!" Ryan entered screaming in her office.

"Ryan what the hell!!! Why are you screaming and why did you enter like that on my office what it's wrong with y—"

"Your son was kidnapped!!!" Ryan said in a small breath.

"What ?!" She yelled.

"He was kidnapped Kate the teacher said that a men got in school and took him, just him."

In that moment everything stopped. The time was not passing and her heart was not beating it was like she was stabbed in the stomach because she felt sick and she just wanted to throw up and wake up for this nightmare.

"I'm sorry Kate.... We already call the FBI and the WDPD (Washington D. Police department) and they are coming we should go to the school and see if they have more informations" Ryan said really sad and nervous.

She just nodded but it seems like she couldn't move, talk or think. The idea of her son been kidnapped by a psychopath just don't enter in her head.

She have a lot of questions: why ?? Why him?? How?? How could anyone not see?? It was because of her?? He is hurt?? Would they kill him?? He is scare ?? He is crying?? Is her baby okay ??

But the saddest of this is that she doesn't know. They didn't call for a rescue, the police didn't said anything!! What the hell is going on in her life.

"Kate I know this is hard but you have to have strong for your son. You are a fighter and he is too. But if you give up and don't eat and don't collect energy he won't have too. The FBI is coming and they will help."


"Alexis come on honey we have to go to school if we don't leave now you are going to be late." Rick said.

"I'm here daddy we can go now " Alexis said grabbing her school bag.

"Finally " he sighs.

They got out and Rick closed the door. The made their way to the elevator and Alexis click on the button who 'says garage' (well it says -1 just imagine on your way).

On their way to school Alexis was singing frozen in the car and Rick was singing with her.

When they finally arrived at school Alexis gave a kiss to her dad on his nose and got out of the car. Waving to her dad who was smiling and proud her, she smile back and made her way to her friends.

Rick made is way towards home because this day is his day off. When he arrived at home he sit on the couch and turn on the Tv but he could pay attention to the news cuz his phone started ringing.

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