Chapter 06 - NY

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Kate's POV

I am tired. Everyone here is tired. After 6 hours of trying to get some clue we still haven't got anything. No suspects, no car, no cameras, no calls, nothing. It looks like nothing happened.

"President, how are you?" I already know who's voice is. He has become my guardian, bodyguard or whatever you wanna call. After everything he is always by my side no matter what.

"Hi, I'm tired and stressed because no one can find my baby" I say with a trembling voice. I can't be strong anymore, I can't show that I'm okay when I'm not. I can't pretend.

" I know it's not easy. And you can stop pretending no one is here to judge." He says but he doesn't understand no one can understand my pain not even him.

"You don't understand. No one can! Don't say you know because you don't! You don't know how is to lose a kid. You don't know the pain that I'm feeling right now. I don't have anyone to support me! So stop."

"I'm sorry. You're right I never experienced a kidnap of my own child but I hope to never go through that. And you are wrong you have people who support you and you have amazing friends who care about you and him. So stop pitying from yourself and help us find your kid"  And with that he goes away and closes the door. He is right I have friends who support me, I have friends who care about me and my kid. I'm doing nothing to help this investigation, I'm just here sitting on the garden waiting for some miracle to be done.

My kid needs me and I'm doing nothing about it!

I get up, I fix my hair and walk towards the living room where the other detectives are.

I see Rick there, I'm going to approach him but walks away. I think I deserve that after all.

Ryan and Espo are looking at me with a question look but I shake my head and go towards them.

"Everything okay?" Ryan ask concerned.

"Yeah. Listen I want to help" I say a little shaky.

"No need Kate" Espo answers.

I give him a look and say more strongly " I want to help, anything just say, ask — Just let me help"

"Okay" Ryan says giving me a concern look but I give him a soft smile.

"What?!" Espo says looking at his partner.

"She can helps us, we can her questions and maybe with the answers we can go anywhere. We are now in a dead end we have to do something or who has the kid will do for us" Ryan says determined.

"Fine, let's go somewhere more private" Espo finally gives up.

The three of us goes to the room where my husband used to work. Everything in there felt wrong. I hadn't put anything on the trash because before I couldn't even get in here. The pain that I felt every time I came here was awful so I didn't touch anything either.

"Wow I hadn't been in here in a long time" I whisper.

Ryan looks at the desk full of papers and before he starts to move them he put some gloves. I have a question mark on my face because he could touch, I didn't mind. But I has a strange face and so has Esposito.

"Guys is something wrong?" I ask curious.

"Did you touch anything after he died?" Espo asks.

"No. I couldn't, I didn't have the balls to do it but why? We can trash it now if you guys want"

"No" both of them say at the same time.

"Kate I think your husband wasn't the sweet guy that we all thought he was!" Ryan says with a couple of papers on the hand.

"What are you talking about?"

"Kate, it says here that your husband was doing business with Willian Braken, the Senator of NY" Espo says looking at me.

"And so what, that means nothing!" I say defensive.

"You right but maybe something here can say, Ryan call the detectives they have work to do" Espo says and Ryan disappears from the door.


"I know Kate, we don't have anything right now to prove maybe he wasn't honest with politics but I know he was honest to his family. He loved you very much." He says while hugging me. I didn't feel so small since my husband had died.

But Rick was right I am not alone.


A few more hours had passed by and the detectives still hadn't say anything. The investigation is getting more time that I thought it would. I hadn't see Rick since our fight ,if we could call fight, and probably he is avoiding me. I would too after what I said to him.

Ryan and Espo where with the detectives so the only thing I can do is waiting for something.
I'm hungry already but I don't see anyone complaining for food probably I'm the only one here. I can't go cook because I don't know how to cook, I can't go out and go bye food for everyone because it's to dangerous, and no one goes either so I can only wait.

Everyone is determined on finding my child and in a good way of saying thank you for that is buying food but I have to gorilas attached to me saying that I can't go anywhere. Is this the feeling that my son haves every time he goes to school?

Damn I'm an horrible mother. I should receive an award saying 'for the worst mother ever'.

Someone probably heard my prayers and thank god for that because my stomach couldn't take anymore.

"I heard your stomach rumbling a few times so you probably be hungry, I went to a Chinese place and brought this I hope you like it." He says softly but a little cold at the same time. His voice mixed with emotions. After all I'm not the only one. I have the same effect on him that he has in me.

"Thank you" I say with soft smile. He doesn't return. He starts to walk away.

"Wait — you are— are you not— do you have something to eat too or you just brought to me?"

"I brought for some colleagues too, and of course for me. Another men went with me and brought for his colleagues so don't worry everybody is eating. I heard about your husband by the way and I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He at least was a great husband I can't say the same thing about other things so— by the way im sorry, really sorry for what I said, I hadn't the right to say those things to you, and you didn't shout at me because you are doing your job because, I know if you wasn't I would deserve the shouting."

"Thanks and I understand the nerves you are feeling and putting you in the edge so don't worry, no hard feelings right?" He asks and finally gives me a smile, the smile I was waiting all this day. The smile that makes me feel better no matter what and with that I know that I'm falling hard for this guy. I just hope he is falling too and catch me before I touch the ground.

To be continued...

A/N: did you like this chapter ? I thought it was a chapter with a lot of different feelings.

I hope you had enjoyed and see u next time for more!

About Eurovision thanks for all the countries that voted on Portugal and about the pontuation I thought that was unfair to Spain and Germany those numbers but is just my opinion. I admit Bulgaria was really good and that kid has an amazing potential. Italy was really good too I don't know what the hell happened, the sisters of Netherlands have an amazing voice too, and I loved Poland and Sweden they were fantastic. The other countries I didn't saw the performance so I can't say really anything about it.

I will update the Lawyer and the Writer and it will be the Epilogue.

Thanks for reading!


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