Chapter 5 - The trip

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Ben ☝️

Kate's POV

We were all tired. From Washington to New York is almost 4 hours, going in a car of course. The guys took turns on drinking and now was Agent Rodgers time. He seems well, happy indeed but Ryan and Espo were tired like really tired. Ryan was on the back seat with me and was sleeping like a baby. He is drooling too but I won't say anything and I will not say either that Espo took a picture of him.

Espo on the other hand was exhausted but he didn't want to sleep he said that it's his job to protect me and I argued with him saying that I would be fine the rest of time and that Rick was here too as well as Ryan and if something was off I would wake him up. Ryan got the message but Espo was a stubborn kid so he was trying to be strong and don't fall asleep even if he had already closed is eyes for a bit and then startled and wake up, that was funny to watch.

Rick was now driving and we still have 1 hour until New York but he seems fine ,like I said, before he had sleep through the other hours and now is all energetic. I sleep while Ryan and Espo were driving and now I'm okay, I'm not tired anymore but I want to arrive at New York as fast as I can.

My baby is probably scare and frightened and I can't do anything right now. I can't hug him and say that everything is going to be fine even if I don't know he true, I can't kiss him and whisper sweet words to calm him down. NO! I can't do anything and my baby needs me.

While I was sleeping all I could think about was the good things we did together. I know since I wan the presidency to Josh Davidson I being busy but I try my best but looking now at the conversations that I had with my son I see my mistake, I no longer play with him, I no longer read to him before he goes to sleep I don't even arrive home at a decent hour to seem him wake, every time I came home he is already on bed.

I'm such a bad mother and I just understand that now! He was right! I care more about my job than him. How could I do such a thing?
Who kidnaped my son and why?

"Miss president. Are you okay?" Agent Rodgers ask. He looks concern but I won't say anything to a stranger. He must saw me looking worried.

"Yes, of course" I say shouting him up. I have my walls and since Benny's dad die I couldn't think in anyone has more than a friend.

"Everything is going to—" he started but he doesn't know what is going to happen so I made him shut up because he can't make promises that he can keep it.

"Shut up, don't make me any promises if you are going to break them." I say a little rough but I don't care it's my baby we are talking about.

"I'm sorry" he murmured. Gosh Kate the guy was trying to help you feel better and what do you do? He looks like you kick his puppy.

God I feel terrible now. What is going on with me? I'm turning into a person that I don't recognize myself.

"No, I'm sorry I shouldn't talk with you like that is just that— I'm just a little bit— I don't know — I'm scare, I can't lose him." I say in a small voice but he heard me. I know he heard.

"Well I can promise that I will do anything to bring him back to you. At least I can promise you that." He says looking at me in the eyes and with a soft smile, well not really eye to eye more like eye to rear view mirror and finally eye. But you got it.

"You shouldn't do that." I say.

"Why not?" He ask.

"Don't you have a kid and a wife to take care of?" I sound jealous but it wasn't on purpose I don't know what this mans has that makes me nervous and jealous at the same time.

"I have a kid but she is safe on my mothers house you don't have to worry." He says with a sweet smile. Gosh please don't smile to me I'm melting!

"And your wife?" I ask curious. I had to know!

"I don't like to talk about that" he says shutting me up. Apparently I'm not the only one with walls.

The next thing that we hear is Espo snoring like a goat. I loud goat. I'm sorry for the girl who is going to marry him someday.

*Cough* Lanie!

"Well he is loud" Rick says laughing. I laugh to and say " yeah, I'm sorry for his next girlfriend." "Me too but I thought he was never going to fall asleep" he says.

"Yeah but he looked exhausted so it was a matter of time." I say

"Agreed so what time is in New York?" He ask.

"Hm, 12:30 AM " I say looking at my cellphone.

"Okay just more 30 minutes until we arrive at our destination." He says satisfied.

I look at the mirror again and think a little more in the moments that everything was fine.


Finally we arrive at New York more specifically at Manhattan, the guys are taking the bags of the trunk and putting them in the house. The house has a beautiful view to Central Park. I remember when me, Ben and Nick used to play here in the park. Nick used to teach Benny baseball but deep down Ben preferred soccer but he never told that to his father. Never had a chance too either.

This city is full of our happy moments and now that I am here I never thought that it would be because of a sad one.

The other Agents that are working for me don't have any other clue than the car that took Benny here and we don't even know if Ben was in the car.

"Sir? Where do we put this?" Agent Marty ask with is hand full of equipment.

"On the living room" I say back.

"Thanks Sir" he says walking away.

"So can you show me the guest room?" I hear a familiar voice asking.

"Agent Rodgers! Of course come with me!" I say waking home. I could hear his foot behind me.

To be continued...

A/N: I'm sorry for the delay but school doesn't forgives! I think I can update tomorrow again but don't be to optimistic.

I hope you like it and don't forget to vote.

Do you know who kidnapped Benny? The write on the comments!

About Eurovision I have a lot of favorites like of course Portugal, Croatia, Moldavia( is written like this? If not I'm sorry) I like Israel, Bulgaria, Norway, Australia and I don't remember more 😅

Congratulations to the finalists!

Thank you for reading and see you next time!

Oh wait I almost forgot I will put a two shot of a Night in Vegas of Kate and Rick pay attention to the notifications!


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