White Rose

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Kagami's POV

I sat down on the bench, wiping my forehead with a towel. I felt a presence right next to me, and as I turned my head, he appeared suddenly. His light blue hair and calm, monotone expression always never cease to surprise me.

"Kuroko... When were you here?!" I exclaimed.

"Before you sat down." He said calmly.

I sighed, "I can never get used to you man..."

I stretched my arms and stood up. "You better hurry up and start warming up again. Riko would be mad if you don't."


Kuroko's POV

As Kagami went to practice with the seniors again, Mitobe came over and handed me a white chocolate rose. He stared at me, and I stred back.

"Are you sure you want me to have this?" I asked.

Mitobe nodded.

"...Okay..." I took the chocolate rose reluctantly.

It looks really detailed... Like it's a real rose...

"Kuroko! Hurry up and practice already!" Hyuuga shouted. 

"*Hai!" I replied.

Wait, Where do I put this?

I looked at the chocolate rose that Mitobe gaave me again. 

I guess the only way is to eat it. 

I took a mall bite out of the rose. A soft creamy taste spreaded throught my mouth. There was a nice crunchy/chewy part in the rose.

Wait... crunchy...?

I looked at the rose. Inside the chosolate, there was a real light blue rose. 

A rose? But... It doen't taste weird. It's okay I guess...

It took  while for me to finish the whole thing.

"Kuroko! What are you doing just sitting there?! Get back to practice!" Riko shouted.

"Hai!" I quickly ran back to practice.

"What took you so long?" Kagami asked.

"Mitobe-san gave me a chocolate rose." I replied.

"You were eating?!"

"I had to finish it, it was melting."

"...Whatever then, let's practice."

[After Practice]

"Okay guy! Clear up!" Hyuga shouted. 

As I took my towel to wipe the sweat off of my forehead, a huge pain sprung up in my stomach. 

"Urg..." I crouched down, holding my stomach. 

"Hey... Are you okay?" Kagami asked. 

All the other people crowded around me. 

"*Oi, is he okay?!" Koganei asked. 

Riko shoved through. 

"Is he okay?! Kuroko are you okay?!" She asked me worriedly.

I continued to hold my stomach in pain.

"Hey, Kagami, why don't you take him home?" Koganei asked.

"Y-yeah." He said. "Come on Kuroko..." He tried to pull me up.

With the help of Kagami, I managed to stand up. The pain eased a little.

"You okay?" Kagami asked again.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine." I said.

We headed towards the direction of my house.

When we were halfway there, another pain hit my stomach, and I doubled over.

"Oi, Kuroko!" Kagami ran over to me. "Are you sure you're fine?!"

I tried to say something, but my voice wouldn't come out, so I continued to hold my stomach tightly.

"...Here!" Kagami took my arm and carried my piggy-back style.

"K-Kagami-kun..." I exclaimed in surprise.

"You shouldn't walk if it hurts that much." Kagami said.

The tips of his ears were red.

"Okay then." I said with a smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Kagami's POV

His breath, is on my neck...

His breath, is on my neck...

His breath, is on my neck...

I shook him lightly.

"Oi... Are you awake?" I asked. "I think we're at your house."

Kuroko looked up. "Yeah..."

I put him down.

As he stood up, he almost fell again, but I caught him just in time.

"Careful!" I exclaimed.

My hand came in contact with his fluched face.

"Woah... Kuroko you're burning up!" I shouted.

"Yeah... Thanks for the ride, Kagami-kun..." He said as he wobbled back to his house.

Is he really going to be okay...? But... Was it me, or was his voice higher than usual...?


*Hai: Yes

*Oi: Hey

For those who do not know the Seirin members...

Mitobe is the person who doesn't speak.

Koganei is the person with the cat lips.

Hyuga is the captain of the team.

Riko is the coach.

I think you should at least know who Kagami and Kuroko is... =w=

But that's it!

Going back to my old catchphrase...

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