Why another one?!

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Riko:.... Koganei!! Translate!

Kaganei: He said, "In the last chapter, Kuroko and his/her "gang" met Momoi!

Kagami's POV

"Momoi-san, are you shopping here?" Kuroko asked.

Momoi's face went pale and she fainted.

"Woah!" Kise caught her just in time.

I looked at Kuroko for her reaction. She had an annoyed look on her face.

"I swear, if this happens all the time, I'm going to kill someone."

I step slowly away from her. 

She looks like she's not kidding....

"Momocchi! Momochi!! Wake up Momochi!" Kise called out to her while lightly slapping her face.

"Let me try." Kuroko said while placing a hand on her cheek.

She called out calmly, "Momoi-san, please wake up."

Now that Kuroko's a girl, this just looks like yuri...

Slowly, Momoi opened her eyes. Once she did that, he face went all pale again.

"Momoi-san, please listen to me."

Explain~ explain~ explain~

"So you think you might have turned into a girl because of Mitobe's candy?" 

"Yeah. It's the only lead I got." Kuroko said.

"Momocchi, see? I wasn't lying!" Kise complained while hugging Kuroko tightly.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!!!" Momoi and I both practically screamed and ripped him off of Kuroko.

"Ehhhh??? But whyyy??" Kise cried crocodile tears.

"Kuroko can't be touvhed by a pervert like you!" I shouted.

"Ehhhh???? Hidoii!!!" Kise whined.

Kuroko sighed.

"Anywyas, back to the topic. Momoi-san, do you have any clue on what might change me back?" she asked.

"Hm... Maybe you just need to eat another chocolate rose to turn back:? With so little data, I can't really think of anything..."

"Well, I guess it's worth a shot."

"There's a candy shop in this mall, it's pretty popular! Maybe we'll find the rose there?" Kise suggested.


We walked to the candy shop slowly, and then once we got there, we were greeted by a huge purpled haired giant.

Why another one?!

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