Chapter One. Erised.

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I saw a post about Dean finding the Mirror Of Erised and I just had to write a little fic. But my version of it.

Season: whenever you'd like.
Summary: Dean finds the Mirror Of Erised.

Dean's PoV.

I open the door to the old building. It doesn't look like someone has been here in a long, long time. It's dusty and cold and dark. I don't even know why I stopped driving. I just stopped the car and walked a bit into the forest and found this house. And for some reason I entered. In the middle of a big room in the building there is something big with a cover over it. I frown. What's underneath it? I quietly walks infront of it and touches the cover. It's made out of some sort of fabric. It looks very old. Like it has been standing here with the cover on it for decades. It's a thick layer of dust on it which swirls around in the air when I pulls down the fabric to see what it's hiding.

"Huh." I can't help my surprise. It's a mirror. Why would anyone leave a mirror in the middle of the room? It's also a kind of nice mirror. Probably worth a lot. There is some sort of writing on it too but I can't read it. I don't understand what it says.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on woshi...?" I mumble. I don't know why I'm speaking so quietly, I'm alone here and it's really silent here. The only thing I can hear is my own breaths and the wind from the trees outside the bulding. I look into the glass of the mirror. I see the reflection of myself.

"Well I look go-.." I stare into the mirror. I'm not alone anymore. I turn around as fast as I can but there is nobody there. Just a empty and very dusty room. I look around everywhere but no one is in here. I turn back to the mirror. The reflection of the other person is still there. I stare at the mirror. Why is it showing people that isn't there. Or maybe he is invisible.

"Cas?" I turn around again but I am still all alone. I shake my head. Maybe the mirror is some sort of ...yeah, I don't know. I study the image in the mirror closer. I can see Cas stnding next to me in the mirror but he isn't here. I keep watching what happens in the mirror. I can't take my eyes from it. Mirror-Cas is stepping closer, stands next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders. It is like I can almost feel his touch. Almost. Mirror-Cas smiles and kisses my cheek. I stand like frozen. I'm not sure how I feel. I feel weird. The same weird feeling I have gotten everytime I have met Castiel lately. It's not that it's that weird I just wasn't prepared to start to feel that way. I look in the mirror and see Cas take my hand. I want this I suddenly realise. I really want this. Him. I want Cas. I want Cas to give me the same look as Mirror-Cas gives Mirror-Me right now. I wish he was here.

"Dean. What is it?" A worried voice says from behind. I spin around. Now Cas is really standing there.

"Cas. What are you doing here?" I say and hopes he doesn't see what is happening in the mirror where Mirror-Us have begun to make out. I try to hide my blush.

"You called." He answers and I don't care about telling him that I didn't really call him to come because I want him to stay. I glances at the mirror again and Cas sees what I'm looking at.

"What is this?" He says and studys the mirror closely.

"I'm not sure." I say honestly. I can't figure out what the meaning of this mirror really is.

All misspellings and grammatical errors are to be blamed on me.😁

Just after writing this I came up with an alternate universe where when you look into the mirror (or some other mirror), you see the deepest and most desperate desire of your soulmates heart???

I'm doing a one-shot book, do you want me to write that?

Written: 8/7-16
Published: 11/7-16

So, funny story, this was going to be my oneshot book but I got so many ideas for this one so i decided to turn it into a book ish thing with chapters instead😂

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