Chapter Six. Sam's Sight.

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Like three days later.

Castiel's PoV.

So, after digging for a couple of days we have found some new information. As example, we now know who made the Mirror Of Erised. And we definietly know it's dangerous. It's a good thing we got rid of it.


"So, get this." Sam says while looking into an old and dusty book.

"The Mirror Of Erised was created, according to a centuries old myth, by a witch named Hiwan. Hiwan created the mirror because she lost everything she ever loved and it drove her crazy not being able to get it back so she created the Mirror Of Erised to be able to show her what she had lost. But the sights was to tempting and she stood in front of the mirror for years and in the end the only thing she cared about were to keep standing there. Eventually she died." Sam reads from the pages. Dean shivers and we're all quiet.

"Well, it seems like loosing the mirror was the best idea we have had this year." Dean jokes.

-flashback ends-

But however much we search we can't find another way to destroy the mirror. So we will have to make our hearts desire come true.

Sam's PoV.

"Okay, guys. Give it up. There is no other way." I say as we have spent another whole day looking for another way to destroy the mirror.

"We will just have to make our desire become truth." I continue and the look at me. Dean gives me a look that clearly says 'Are you crazy'.

"Come on. It's our only chance." I say helplessly. They both sigh deeply.

"So we should tell each other what we see so we can work together to achieve it." I state and Dean goes a little pale. Cas hides his face in his trenchcoat.

"No! I do not want to tell any of you what I see." Dean says and knows that eventually he will have to tell us. I think of what I see before answering.

"Do you think I want to tell you?" I replie with my thoughts on the sight I saw when I stared at the mirror before Cas hid it. The image of Gabriel hugging me from behind and kissing my neck while saying 'I'm back Samscuash' haunts me.

"So why don't you start if we all will have to spit it out what we see." Dean looks at me and smirks. I take a deep breath.

"Okay. But no judging. No laughing. No mean comments. We are all going to have to do this." We all agree on that.

"I see Gabriel." I say quietly. I hope to god my cheeks aren't red.

"But is he even alive?" Dean asks while looking at me and then Cas for an answer. I'm surprised, but glad, that he didn't laugh at that or said some snarky comment.

"No idea. He dissapeard after the last time we saw him." I say and Cas nods.

"So yeah. That's going to be an easy one." I say sarcastically.

"Cas, what do you see?" Both me and Dean turns to and mildly uncomfortable Castiel.

Written: 10/7-16
Published: 31/7-16

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