Chapter Nine. You Stepped Over A Line.

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*giggles because more rhymes*
*groans because I'm so bad at coming up with titles that actually has something to do with the chapter*

Sam's PoV.

"Hiya Samsquatch." I get a both sinking and excited feeling in my stomach when I for the first time in I don't know how long hear his voice. Why is he here?

I spinn around as quick as I can and find myself face to face with no one else than Gabriel.

"G-Gabriel?" I curse over my stuttering.

"Obviously." He smirks

"But you're dead!?" I chocke out, staring at him. He shruggs.

"Not anymore." He says happily and walks into the next room as if he belonged here. I stare after him before reacting and following him. I can't believe that he is alive! It's of course not a bad thing, it's great. Amazing actually. But ...why did he come here? Why didn't he come here before? A thousand questions fills my head.

"How are you alive?" I ask as we enter the kitchen. I can't see Cas and Dean anywhere.

"I'm not sure..." He opens the fridge and takes out a beer and a can of ice cream that I didn't even know we had. He opens the beer bottle with a snap of his fingers and hands it to me.

"I get the feeling that you need this one." He says and I take it.

"Why are you here, why didn't you come here earlier?" Gabriel groans.

"Stop with the questions, please. There is a reason that I'm here."

"And what would that reason be?" I raise an eyebrow.

Gabriel's PoV

"Oh just that mirror of yours." I say with another smirk.

Oh my Chuck. He's actually blushing! ...He is very cute when he blushes.  I'm sure he's cute doing other things. Like, standing on all fo- Okay, abort train of thoughts, lets not go there now!

"So what have you been up to while I've been gone? Any interesting news?" I make a spoon appear so I can eat my ice cream.

"Well actually," Sam starts. He seems to have accepted the fact that I am alive. "Something big happened earlier today."

"Oh really?"

"Cas kissed Dean." I quickly notice that swallowing a spoonful of ice cream at just that moment was a bad idea. I start coughing.

"I think I just inhaled ice cream. And, what? Really?" Sam laughs and nods.

"Yup, the mirror made them confess."

"Huh, so my mirror did something good." I laugh, not really realising what I just said.

"Excuse me? Your mirror? Is it your fault we've been through so much trouble these past two weeks?" Sam isn't smiling anymore and I can feel my own smile being slowly wiped of my face.

Dean's PoV.

"Does this mean we are together?" Cas asks as we stop making out and I can't help but to smile at him.

"If that is what you want, then, yes." Cas smiles happily and looks down at his shoes.

"Good because I would like that a lot." He entwines his fingers with mine before pulling me down for another slow, heated kiss. Cas smiles into the kiss, still holding my hand.

Sam's PoV.

"You made that mirror? Seriously?" Gabriel looks away like he's in shame but I don't think he can feel shame. "Didn't you have anything better to do while you were away than screw with us?"

I don't really know why finding out that the mirrir is Gabriel's work made me so angry. It did make Destiel cannon but I feel somewhat betrayed. What if he, as the creator of the mirror, can see what we see? That would make me want to throw myself of a cliff. ...okay with my luck I would just end up in hell and share a room with Lucifer or something.

"Why is it bothering you so much, it's just a trick, I'm the fucking trickster. It's what I do, it's my purpose."

"I don't know why it just pisses me off!"

"Maybe the author wants us to fight?!" Gabriel yells back.


"Nothing." Gabriel says quickly.

"I just... Does the mirror really show your deepest desire?" I ask in a more 'conversation' way and in a less 'yelling' way. I just need to know because if he made the mirror he might be able to control what a person sees, maybe he's just tricking me? Although I do not doubt my feelings towards him.

"Yes. The trick wouldn't be funny if it's not actually showing you things that could make you go crazy."

"...I don't see the 'funny' part in that." I say bitterly.

"Exactly, you have no humor." Gabe replies.

"What, I do too. My humor is great!" I'm not even sure what we're fighting about anymore. Oh, right, the mirror.

"Good night Gabriel." I sigh and leave him standing alone with a sucker in his hand.

I turn off the lights in my room and closes the door before I drop face first down on my bed. I, with a littl- a lot of trouble, takes of my pants without changing my position. I roll over so I'm laying on my back before pulling my cover over myself. I stare out in the darkness with a feeling that Gabriel will be very annoying from now on.

Ah, idek what this chapter is."

Written: 18/8-16 & 19/8-16 & 21/8-16
Published: 21/8-16
Words: 910 yo!

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