Game 000: New Year's Eve

45 2 3

"Alexia Rosa," a voice whispered quietly in the darkness. "She can save us all."
A single shaft of light leaked through a small window, revealing a man in a cloak and hood, the shadows hiding his identity.
The man revealed a short stack of papers clipped to each other. A hand reached out from the darkness on the other side of the light to the papers and unclipped them, putting them in the light so as to see the typed letters and the pictures. The pictures showed a girl with black hair and glasses. Her hair was shoulder-length, right at where her shoulders covered by a dull green sweatshirt. Her eyes were a rare bright red, showing that she was one of the very few descendants that have the dominant gene of the Ling family, a family descended from a survivor of the Giant Killing Virus in the year 2132. The Ling family survivor, Chu Ling, was the only survivor in her city. All her friends and family had died. The only reason she survived was because she somehow was born with a natural defense to the virus outbreak. She would've died if it weren't for her defense. Her eyes had turned a red color due to her cells fighting the virus had succeeded, but the virus bodies collected in her irises, making them red. This gene passed down, having two or less children born with it each generation.
The hand moved on to the next page:

Name:Alexia Rosa
DOB:January 7, 2190
Blood Type: O
Gang Name: The Black Roses
# of Members: 32

There was a lot of information on the girl, and also about her gang and family.
"We must act quickly in order to be able to save our people," the figure holding the papers said. "Do you have any suggestions... Robert Junsen?"
Robert smiled within his shadowy outfit, glad his name had been remembered by such a great person.
"I have an idea, sir."

The Days All Went ViralOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora