Game 007: Good Angel, Bad Angel

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  With Barry's help, two people could go at a time, one with Barry and the other with the angel that had carried Reyna.
  Its (actually, "it's" a "her") name was Ashlyn Andral. She had been sent to help out with the quest.
  "But be cautious," she warned. "The sky is also a very dangerous place."
  We nodded.
  Ashlyn had managed to get Reyna safely to the tower, and she was waiting for until the rest of the group arrived, according to the shy angel.
  Each pair were to be taken to the sight in this order: Sharon and Erin, Scott Worst and Lizzy, Sandro Peters and Peter Wells, Henna and Forest, Freddy and Timothy, Allan and Shiro Summers, Eleanor and Alissa, Christina Shang and Jerica Wells, etc. until the last groups, Destiny on her "own" (not including Barry and Ashlyn) and finally Alexia and Brandon.
  So, off went the first pair.
  Then the next.
  Then the next, continuing until everything turned to chaos on my turn, after Christina's and Jerica's turn.

  We were flying through the air, me being carried by Barry and my partner, Elizabeth Shot, who was carried by Ashlyn.
  We had noticed that Barry and Ashlyn had sped up consistently, even though it would seem hard for a small bat like Barry. They had sped up and sped up to the point where when comparing the first time and the previous time, the previous time was two times faster than the first.
  Ashlyn nervously flew and said, "Get any possible weapon out now. You may need it."
  We did as we were told, having a bad feeling about this.

  We were right. When we reached the sight, a horrific scene greeted us.
  The dead bodies of Christina, Scott, Peter, and Shiro lay strewn on the ground, blood coming out of their mouths in small trickles and out of wounds that were deep. Mostly at the injuries where the heart was.
  The remaining Black Roses were fighting hard, but they couldn't come close to defeating the power of their enemy.
  It was an angel from hell.
  Author's Note:
  Hello! Yes, it's Vanguard16 again! Sorry, I know I said that I would probably not appear again, but I decided to show the whole list of ALL members of the Black Roses, including those whom have died.
  They are:
  Alexia Rosa, Brandon Block, Timothy Clark, Freddy Barns, Sharon Tulip, Forest Fiend, Erica Heat, Erin Randolph, Henna Persimmon, Allan Anned, Destiny Gred, Melody Prefect, Paris Region, Lizzy Scrawl, Reyna Lu, Eleanor Lu, Alissa Eraxor, Scott Worst, Sandro Peters, Peter Wells, Shiro Summers, Christina Shang, Jerica Wells, Elizabeth Shot, James Line, Carrie Endra, Derek Summers, Jeremy Lit, Talia Suneko, Aiden Ly, Tallin Ly, and "me" (I am not giving away "my" name just yet...).
  Alright, that's all for now! Thanks for reading! Bye (for now)!

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