Game 008: Passing Time

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Even though the rest of the members arrived shortly, the battle was still devastating. The angel had killed another two friends, Carrie Endra and Derek Summers. All those whom have died had their hearts ripped out of their chests.
But finally, in a large single swipe of Alexia's great Game Sword, the evil angel was finally dead.
Sadly, we left behind the dead bodies of six comrades.

The rest of the challenges seemed dulled to the extent that they were so much easier to pass, or at least, to some of the remaining Black Roses.
The Earth Realm was simply digging to the center of the Earth.
We met an earth dragon named Erico Earling who was more than willing to help.
Unfortunately, while we rode on his back, Jeremy Lit and James Line both fell off the dragon's back, and being almost like twins if only they were blood related, they clung onto each other as they fell to their fiery death.
Everyone's eyes by now were too dry to cry, all except Henna and Alexia. Their tears still fell. My eyes started watering, but I managed to hide my tears.
But I definitely cried inwardly.

In the Space Realm, we were supposed to try to find a certain asteroid that was made of titanium and to get the members to get a piece from it. We had on space suits, but that was when both Elizabeth and Sandro were hit by chunks of asteroids and their helmets were knocked off. They suffocated.
The rest of the Black Roses managed to get the piece of titanium with the help of a small alien named Darren Drison. Even so, the deaths left a mark on Alexia's heart. Henna was the same as ever.

In the Sun Realm, the goal was to get the piece of titanium into a sun flare and to survive. Reyna, Destiny, Allen, Barry, Ashlyn, and Forest all died trying. A fire dragon, Cora Clinton, decided that it was best to help and that it was worth doing so, so he helped with the task.
By then, no one cried, but my eyes as well as Alexia's and Henna's still watered.

The Star Realm was the most devastating.
We had to try finding the red star, and if the person fails and touches the wrong star, they die. Also, the catch is that we had to do it blindfolded.
This is what killed most of the Black Roses.
Timothy. Freddy. Sharon. Erin. Melody. Eleanor. Alissa. Henna. All the friends we've made so far.
Finally, Lizzy found the right star, but all of us that remained knew we would be scarred for life.

Seven Black Roses left.
Author's Note:
Sorry! I, Vanguard16, didn't want to deal with the pain of having to make a long chapter or too many chapters, so I summarized the would-be long chapters into one short chapter. Please forgive me for this if you wanted more details!😖 But you'll still read... Right?😶
Well, thanks if you managed to read this for so long! Please don't let this chapter stop you from reading and please continue!
Thanks so much if you do!
I think I already gave enough of these, but huge thanks to Dragonite7 for the support!
Alright, those willing to continue reading, go ahead!

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