Story 8 Part 4: Mann Co. (Mann)datory Vacation

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Medic let out a cackle.

"Now you'll both listen to me!" He told Soldier and Sniper, who were all tied up in thick ropes.

"Mate, you're makin a huge mistake. Once I'm outta these, I'm gonna-"

"Son, you've messed with the wrong Soldier!" Soldier interrupted Sniper. Medic just rolled his eyes. Even though it was true that Soldier and Sniper could probably snap Medic in half if they wanted to, he wasn't scared of them... at all.

"Vell you both walked yourselves right into zhis, dummkopfs," the doctor grumbled. "Now, let's get back to business, ja?" Medic smiled and tugged on a piece of rope. It worked like a leash. "Let's go back zhis vay," he pointed.

Sniper didn't say anything, and Soldier was struggling.

"You are making zhis harder zhan it has to be," Medic noted, while watching Soldier try and get out.

"Where'd you even get these ropes?!" Soldier asked in a loud booming voice. Sniper winced at his loud voice, and Medic paused.

"Oh. I got zhem from an old bear trap I saw over zhere," he pointed. Sniper raised up his head.

"Don't you think those were there for a reason, mate?" Sniper asked the doctor. Medic tapped his chin.

"Nein. If nothing has been caught in it now, nothing ever will." The doctor then laughed some more.


"Ughhh hey Demo? Can you carry me?" Scout whined. Demoman just glanced at the boy and chuckle a bit.

"Aw wee lamb. Can't walk on your own?"

"Hey! I can walk! My feet just hurt," Scout pouted and sat down. Pyro walked next to Scout and gently patted his head. The boy sighed. "This is so damn boring."

Demoman stopped and faced Scout. "Look lad, I know this sucks. And not that I want to point fingers, but if ya had listened to Spy-"

"Hey it's not my fault! Spy was being a nagger! Like he always is," Scout mumbled that last part. "And you're the one who tried to grab me, and now you're blaming me?"

"I'm not blamin ya lad. I could've let ya go on your own," Demoman smiled. Scout didn't say anything for a bit. He turned his head to the side.

During this whole conversation, Pyro was somewhat hearing what they were saying, but his main focus was on a small lizard.


"Heavy... Why are you taking off your shirt?" Engineer hesitantly asked him. Heavy didn't say anything, and handed his shirt to Spy.

"You're not really going to fight that bear, are you?" Spy looked at him.

"Da. Little bear does not scare Heavy."

Engineer and Spy exchanged concerned glances.

"Uh... Are you sure you can do this? I mean... It's a bear, Heavy. And I know you think bears are small to you, but they can do some damage," Engineer told him. Heavy just began to crack his knuckles and neck. Spy stepped back.

"He can't be serious," Spy whispered to the engineer.

"I think he is serious, Spy," Engineer hesitantly whispered back. Spy shook his head.

"Heavy. This is a bad idea. What if you get hurt? We don't have the medic," Spy reminded him. That fired up the heavy even more.

"I will fight bear. Will not get hurt," Heavy retorted. He didn't say anything else after that.

"This will not go well. We gotta help him," Engineer looked at Spy concerned. Spy looked back at Engineer with a 'really?' expression. "I know Spy. It's a big bear but... Heavy can't possibly- look out!" He quickly grabbed Spy's arm, and threw him to the ground.

Heavy grabbed the bear from behind and began trying to snap it's neck.

"S-Sorry, Slim. It was comin at ya," Engineer panted. Spy shook his head.

"Don't worry about it...and merci," He slightly smiled. The expression on Engineer's face changed from a smile to a slight frown.

"Oh man... Your suit is a bit dirty now."

Spy looked down.

"What? This old thing? Don't worry about it. I have plenty more like it," he chuckled. Just then, Heavy threw down the black bear, and it began running.

"Bear ran away," Heavy simply stated. Engineer and Spy looked at Heavy with surprised expressions on their faces. They were just surprised Heavy was able to scare it off.


"You don't know where you're goin, do ya?" Sniper glared at Medic.

"Vhat? Of course I do! Ve travel up zhis vay, following zhe creek. Now follow me," Medic grinned.

"Wait!! Do you hear that?" Soldier hollered.

"All I can hear is the sound of your bloody voice," Sniper sneered.

Medic paused to listen.

"I don't hear anything. Now let's keep moving or ve von't get anywhere," he nodded. Soldier scratched his head. The man could've sworn he heard something.


"So... Hungry..." Scout mumbled. Demoman was currently carrying the boy on his back.

"Ah quit yer complainin'. We need to find everyone else," he huffed. "I could actually go for a drink right now..." Pyro skipped on ahead.

"Where's he going?" Scout looked up. "Yo Pyro!" He jumped off of Demoman's back.

"Lad what are ye doin?"

"Maybe he knows where to find food!" Scout rubbed his hands together. Demoman just stood there and took out a bottle of beer. He needed it.


"Do y'all think it was a good idea to let that bear roam free? What if it finds everyone else?" Engineer looked at Spy and Heavy.

"It... probably wasn't the best idea. But Heavy scared it. All we can do is hope that it doesn't find anyone else," Spy calmly told him.

"Heavy will take down bear," Heavy stated. "Bear won't last long."

"I really hope so... By the way," Engineer started, "how do ya think everyone is holding up?"

Heavy and Spy thought for a moment.

"Well let's see... We know Soldier, Medic, and Sniper are together. So that means Demoman, Scout, and Pyro are together... I hope they're all alright," Spy muttered.

"Even Scout?" Engineer smiled.

"Non. I hope they're even tolerating the boy. He didn't even listen to me. He caused those two men to fall with him," Spy scoffed. "If he had listened to me, he wouldn't have been washed away."

Engineer rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well you know how he is. Young. Energetic."

"Annoying," Spy quickly added.

"You don't care for little man?" Heavy tilted his head at Spy.

He stayed quiet for a moment.


"Really?" Engi tilted his head as well.

"That sounds harsh, doesn't it," Spy sighed. "Non I don't really mean that. I just wish he would listen to me more. That's all I ask of him. He needs to grow up."

"Yeah I see what you mean. He is the youngest of what?- seven, eight, brothers, though," Engineer chuckled.

Spy shrugged slightly. "That's no excuse."

"Spy is harsh on little Scout," Heavy chuckled. "Scout needs role-model."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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