Loves You

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Birthday Cake...
That was Adrien's favorite ice cream flavor.She remembered eating it on her birthday when they were still...friends.

"Um...Miss?"Belle asked

"Oh!Yeah!Um...I'll just get birthday caokie dough?"She said unsure

"Birthday Cake or cookie dough?"Belle asked chuckling

"I don't know"Marinette sighed

"Well,I could get you both.Like one half and one half"She said

"Oh,you could do that?"Marinette asked

"Yeah!So,half cookie dough and half birthday cake in a cone.Cookie dough in a cone,strawberry and cotton candy in a cup.Is that all?"Belle asked

"Yeah,that is it"Marinette nodded

"Okay,so here is your receipt.And here are your ice creams"Belle smiled giving her a tray with two cones,two cups,and a piece of paper
"Enjoy your ice cream"

"Wait,but I didn't pay yet"Marinette said getting the tray

"Everything is already payed for"Belle smiled

"Wait,really?"Marinette asked

"Yes"Belle nodded

"Let me at least pay for half of it"Marinette said

"No,everything is already payed for"Belle said

"It's a tip.For your kindness for not letting me pay for this"Marinette said placing €7 in the tip jar

"Thank You,but I didn't pay for it"Belle smiled as Marinette walked to where her friends were sitting

Unfortunately for Belle,the next in line was cut by none other than the diva queen:Chloe.She wanted free ice cream.But Belle said that she can't do that because someone payed for Marinette's.Chloe wants to know who,but Belle was sworn to not say anything except his name has an "N" and his hair is compared to a fruit.

"So.How much do we owe you?"Alya asked

"Nothing.Someone payed for our ice creams"Marinette said taking a seat beside Alya

"Who?"Rose asked looking around

"I don't know.The cashier girl didn't tell me"Marinette said shrugging

The four girls ate their ice creams while Marinette checked the receipt.

She saw a little note in the corner that says

"He Still Loves You"

Her eyes widened as she chocked a bit on her ice cream.

"Are you okay,Marinette?"Juleka asked

"Yeah.I'm fine"Marinette said after she recovered

"Oh Look!The loser,the nerd,the fairy,and the vampire"Chloe walked up to them scoffing

"What do you want,Chloe?"Marinette asked

"Nothing.I just want to know who payed for your guys' ice cream"Chloe said

"Why do you want to know?"Marinette asked

"Because who ever that person is,I'm going to hunt him or her down and tell them that hey made a horrible mistake paying for it but not for me!"Chloe scoffed

"Just leave us alone,Chloe"Juleka muttered

"What was that?You little bitch vampire.Gonna take comfort from your fairy weirdo friend?Huh?"Chloe asked glaring at Juleka

"Actually Chloe,she's the fairy"Rose said hissing at her,sharp fangs appearing at her teeth and her blue eyes becoming red.She grinned evilly,her eyes piercing through the blonde idiot.

"And I haven't eaten a proper meal in days"Rose licked her lips with hunger in her eyes threatening to eat her.
Chloe looked at her in fear and ran away.

Rose took out plastic fangs from her teeth and placed it in her bag.Her red contacts suddenly change to blue.

"That was so cool!How do you get your contacts to change colors?"Alya asked

"Oh,it's a special kind of contacts my uncle made for me.He's a scientist and so is my aunt.They just made these really cool contacts that can change color.There's a little button switch I have in my bag.So...yeah"Rose smiled
"I only use it to repel people who call Juleka vampires"

"Wait,so you do this a lot?"Marinette asked

"No,Not a lot of people approach me"Juleka shook her head

" who paid for our ice cream?"Alya asked Marinette

"I said I don't know!"Marinette sighed

"We'll figure it out someday"Rose smiled

"Or maybe it's just a nice person who felt good today and just wanted to pay for someone's ice cream"Marinette said obviously making up an excuse so she wouldn't have to share what is written on the receipt

"That is a possibility"Juleka said

The four girls continue to chat ;).
While a boy was hiding behind a menu keeping an eye out for (the seleners.LOL) the dark haired girl.

After a while she and her friends left.
He walked up to the cashier and said
"Thank You For That"

"Anytime.You'll be surprised.That happens a lot these days.Is she your girlfriend or your crush?If you don't mind asking,of course"She said looking at him through his sunglasses,it is used to hide his face

"No,she's a friend.Don't say a word to anyone about this.Thank You and Goodbye"He said walking away giving her some money

Belle smiled "They would make a good couple though,even if he wears those sunglasses.But he does look kind of familiar"She thought to herself as she stared out the window seeing his face on a perfume ad.

"Of Course..."

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