stop saying youre sorry

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Andy and I were walking in the woods out back when he tripped and I caught him.

"I guess I'll just have to save you too." He says, jokingly.

I shake my head and he puts an arm around me. I hear a squeal and see Madison trying to shoot her bow while Tyler was distracting her.

"They have got to tone it down." I mutter and Andy laughs.

"This is where me and Madison used to go when we wanted peace and quiet. We'd sit and not talk until we felt like it." I explain wanging him to know the back story of me and Madison.

"My sister loves it here because when she practices it feels like home." I say, walking over to a calling down house where we keep our bows and guns.

I pick up my blue gun and load it, walking out as I do and stand in front of the target. I hand it to him and he shoots hitting the bullseye.

I smile, walking over to Madison.

"I found a keeper." I say, and she cracks up.

"Definitely." She says as we watch him load and shoot the gun while talking to Tyler.

"I love him. No, I'm in live with him, Madison. I'm falling this very second." I say, looking back at her and she gives me an adorable look.

"I found the goals couple." She says and I take her bow, shooting it.

"We're not there yet." I say, aiming and lettig the arrow fly, "not yet."

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