One year later/graffiti room

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I found out I have another sister, her name is Katie.

I walk back from Starbucks as Katie runs up to me wit her boyfriend, Brigham.

"I told you, no boys allowed." I say and she pouts, hugging Brigham.

"Ok, bye Briggy." She says and I drag her away from him, I ryrn back and see him making out with another chick.

"Look." I say and she turns, tears streaming down her face.

"Hey there's a lot of others guys out there for you. Dont cry over one." I say and we ride the elevator up to Andy's apartment.

I walk in and she clings to my side.

"Baby, I'm home!" I yell and he slides into the wall beside me as Ashley knocks him over.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Ashley asks and I nod, giving him the bag.

"There is now a hole in the wall and I expect you two to fix it." I sat to Ashley and Andy.

Andy pout and I kiss him.

"Don't pout, its not a good look on yih." I say and lead Katie into my 'let loose and get loud' room.

I start blasting random dongs and I get out the paint, paint brushes and other things, clearing out the room and putting down paper to cover the floors.

"Ok, what ever you do, don't get any paint on the floor!" I scream and she nods.

I start my art as she does a small painting. Mine takes up an entire wall.

Rebel yell comes on and I sway my hips to the song as Katie turns it up louder.

Hours later someone walks k the room and grabs my hips.

The music is turned down and lips are on my neck as I finish the art.

The music is turned down and lips are on my neck as I finish the art

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"Wow, this is amazing babe." He says and I put down the air brush, turning to him.

He pushes hair out of my face and laughs, wiping off paint.

The guys walk in and their jaws drop.

"Elizabeth, this is amazing!" Ashley says and I shrug.

"Its a shame graffiti is illegal." Jake says and I blush.

"Its not that good, guys." I say and they turn their eyes on me.

"Not that good!" Andy exclaims and the guys snap pictures as Andy tweets it.

My phone goes of and I look at it.

'Elizabth thinks that this isn't good. Let's show her how good she actually is.'

In minutes my phone is blowing up with PM's and retweets.

"Now it won't shut up. Thanks babe." I say and he shrugs.

"I got the hole in the wall fixed though." He says and I shake my head, turning off the music and stepping out of the room, breathing clean air.

"Good for you." I say, getting dizzy.

Andy picks me up and sits on the couch, falling asleep on him instantly.

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