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I packed and Andy was just starting to pack when a cramp came over me and my stomach started feeling weird. I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door and checking. Yep, just as I thought, mother nature.

'Great timing, bitch.' I say and put on a pad, pulling up my pants and flushing the toilet.

Andy walks in as I wash my hands, pouting.

"I'm sorry baby. If there was something I would do, I would but I can't so I shan't." He says and I turn to face him.

"Why cant she just text us and say, 'what up girl you,ain't pregnant, talk to you next month'." I glare and he grabs my face.

"Stop glaring, baby. I'll listen to music witg you and cuddle while we drive to the airport." Andy says and my heart melts.

"This is one if the reasons I love you." I mutter as he kisses my forehead, placing his hands on my back.

"Not the only reason, I hope." He says and I smile, pulling him out of the bathroom, grabbing my bag and adjusting my clothes.

" He says and I smile, pulling him out of the bathroom, grabbing my bag and adjusting my clothes

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We walk out and he takes my bag, stepping into the elevator. I smile at how gentlemanly he is and put my phone in his pocket. I adjust my glasses, leaning against the wall behind me and sigh.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing, I just hurt." I mutter and he puts my bag over his other shoulder, pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry baby." He whispers, kissing my head and the elevator dings.

We walk out and get swarmed by fans.

"Can you sign this?" They,asked and we did, smiling as we did and they snapped pictures, wanting to take them with us or of just us.

"As you to gonna get married?" Someone asks and I look at Andy shrugging.

"We have no clue but we've been together for eight years, three if them were just as friends so we'll see how it goes." Andy says, shrugging off the question and a random dude kisses me, making me smack him.

"Don't kiss my girlfriend." Andy says and I pull on his sleeve.

"Let's go. I'm in pain and want to sit." I mutter and be gives me a worried look.

"Move guys, give her some space." Andy yells and people back off.

"If you guys are going to be at the shows, great, I'll see you guys there." I say and we walk out, getting into a taxi.

Andy and I cuddle up and listen to his music while waiting to get to the airport. I cringe as I feel blood rush out and he holds me closer.

"It feels so gross." I mutter and he hides a smile, kissing my head.

"If I could switch places with you, I would." He mutters and we stop at the airport, seeing the guys and my band already there.

"Thank you." I say to the taxi man as Andy pays.

"Besides the money, my daughter loves your guys' bands so,can I,have an autograph?" He asks and I nod.

I get an extra shirt out of my bag and sign it as everyone walks over. They sign it and Andy gives me a look before signing it then puts our ship name.

I give the shirt to him and he breaks out in a big smile, getting excited and starts talking in Russian.

"Thank you so much for this my daughter will be so happy." He says in Russian and I smile, patting his hand.

"You're very welcome and tell her I said if she ever comes to any shows to bring you along and I'll give her backstage passes." I reply in Russian and he nods.

I walk away with Andy staring at me.

"What?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"You speak Russian." He says and I shrug, ad he puts our bags on the belt.

"And?" I ask.

"Say something in Russian." He says and I sigh.

" я люблю тебя." His face lights up and I give him a look.

"Do you even know what is said?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I said I love you." I explain and after an hour of waiting we get on a plane, heading to where ever tour started.

I get off the plane, almost falling because of Madison and I hold onto her shoulder, standing up straight.

"First stop, hotel." Kristen says and I shake my head.

"No, first stop food place." Andy says and I lean on him.

"That sounds good but kinda doesn't but I could eat and sleep." I say and we walk over to the belt, grabbing our stuff and walking out of the airport.

"I love London." I mutter, taking in all the people and cringing when I hear squeals come from a direction and stat walking the other way.

"Elizabeth!" A fan screams and I turn, smiling at them.

"Hey, guys." I say, hugging them.

"I heard you weren't feeling well. Are you ok?" A fan asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sat and they nod.

"Well, we'll be at the show tomorrow. You'll do great, I just know it." Another fan says while in looks me up and down.

"Oh, well, I hope we do good and not like last time." I say and Madison flinches.

"It wasn't my fault." She says and I nod.

"I know it wasn't." I say and a cramp hits, making me gasp and tighten my hold on Andy's arm.

He holds me and says, "We should skip food and head to,a hotel."

I nod, trying to breathe normally but it doesn't work.

"Shit it hurts." I whisper and Andy hands mine and Hus bag to Ashley, picking me up and walking to the nearest cab.

He pulls me on his lap and the guys file in while my band and Ashley gets in another cab, following ours.

"Sleep." He says and I do.

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