Chapter 1

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Ellie's P.O.V

my mum and dad were shouting my Name " Ellie darling come here please" i got up and went downstairs "morning mumma " i smiled and yawned , i rubbed my head " darling i made you breakfast" my dad smiled and i sat down and started eating "this is great daddo" i smiled to him and my mum and dad looked at each other and nodded "Ellie darling we have some news for you , even if you hate it or not " mum started off and my dad carried it on " we have spoken to a family about oyu and we have arranged for you to marry there son " he said and i spat my food out "where is your manner's !" mum shouted "you cant do this" i said "yes we can and your going to meet him tonight and your going to get to know him for us because we only want the best for you sweetie" my mum smiled and i thought what if this is a way to get them to love me "okay ill do it but it doesn't mean ill like it" i said and walked up the stairs

what if he doesn't like me ? what if he thinks I'm fat or ugly ergh , i don't want to do this!

Cameron's P.O.V

"Cameron come down here please!" mum shouted i groaned and got out of bed and slowly walked down the stairs "whats up ?" i said sitting down my mum and dad came and sat with me and looked at each other " Cameron your not going to like this but we have arranged for you to marry this really pretty young girl " i stood up " what ? no you cant just force me to marry some girl! what if she doesn't like me huh? what if i don't like her? what if shes moody or a stuck up bitch" i shouted and my mum shouted " Cameron she seems nice and she's got good grades and stuff , shes coming over tonight with her mum and dad , you will be nice to her and try to talk to her and that okay" i nodded " what ever " i ran upstairs and got back into bed and fell back asleep.

Ellie's P.O.V

i have 2 hours to get ready till i have to go and meet him , i got in the shower and shaved everything , i washed my hair and that , i got out and dried my self and sliped on my black bra and pants and i started doing my hair , i put it half up and half down and curled the parts which where down and i started doing my make up , i put foundation and powder and eye liner and mascara and little but of lip stick and i have 10 minutes till we leave so i sliped my black dress on

i walked down the stairs and my dad smiled " you look really pretty darling" i smiled and hugged him " thank you daddy" my mum came down " darling you look nice " i just smiled and we got in the car and i started feeling scared and worried, we whe...

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i walked down the stairs and my dad smiled " you look really pretty darling" i smiled and hugged him " thank you daddy" my mum came down " darling you look nice " i just smiled and we got in the car and i started feeling scared and worried, we where in the car for about 30 minutes and then we pulled up at someone house i am guessing its his , i got out and walked behind my mum and dad , they knocked the door about ten seconds later a lady really pretty opened the door and said " hi guys welcome and this must be " she smiled and gave me a hug " I'm Ellie, Ellie Mae Smith" i smiled and she dragged me in the door first and said " Cameron will be down in second just go sit down sweetie" i just smiled and sat down , i heard her come back " here he his " i stood up and went to shake his hand , he just looked me up and down and sat down, okay then rude , i sat down and they were talking and my mum said " Ellie? are you listening ?" i turned to her " yes mum i am " i smiled at her , she carried on talking and his mum said " cam why don't you show her the garden hey?" he stood up and groaned and started walking towards their kitchen and i got up and followed him , feel awkward , he opened the door and dropped it behind him and it hit me "ow" i giggled to myself and i rubbed my head , i opened it and walked behind him " here's the garden " he said giving me a dirty look " its really nice " i smiled " shut up " he said and i said " I'm sorry , buut you don't have to be rude " i said looking down to the floor " ergh i don't even want to marry you ffs and I'm being made to " ow that hurt " you know i didn't like the sound of this either but i did it for my mum and dad , i tired to be polite and your just rude" i said sitting down on a step "well i don't care so shut the fuck up , okay i don't even find you pretty so why would i want to marry you" Cameron shouted at me " why are you shouting fuck sake , i put a shitty dress on , to try and look pretty but it was just a mistake " i stood up and started crying " don't fucking cry " he shouted getting in my face , i stepped back " fuck you" i ran inside " mum dad I'm fucking walking home , he doesn't even think I'm pretty so I'm just going to go bye " i said and ran out the door with tears streaming down my face .

i was walking and a car pulled up next to me " Ellie get in" i looked up it was Cameron " no " i said he stopped the car and got out , he opened the door and picked me up and put me in and shut the door, he drove me home " please don't cry ffs" he said " sorry" i stuttered and he pulled up outside my house " thanks for the lift " i said looking in his eyes and he nodded and i got out , i walked to my door and i ran up to my room and got undressed and i got into bed and fell asleep.

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