Chapter 23

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Ellie's p.o.v

i woke up next to cameron and i smiled, i got out of his arm and walked to the kitchen and my puppy runs up to me "well i better give you a name shouldnt i !" i smiled and picked him up "larry ? harry ?ben? fred" he looks at me when i say fred "freddie?" his tail wags and i smile "freddie it is then" i put him down and feed him, my phone is ringing i smiled

"hello?" i ask

"hey its Jack work called they need me can you come and get Cleo please!" he begs

" of course give me 5 minutes!" i hang up and get changed and get in my truck and drive over to Jacks , i knock the door "hey come in" he smiles shes dressed and got her bag ready and that " can you ave her for the night aswell i have to work til 11 so i dont want to wake her up and that " he asks "sure id love to have her see you tomorow or something " i smile, he kisses her and hands her to me " hi baby girl!" i smile and carry her my truck and put her in her seat , i drive home , camerons Car is gone , i go inside " cam?" i say no response , i set cleo in the cot and freddie is in his cage , i see a note "sorry babe i had to go out with Nash and everyone ill see you later! cam" i smile ,

i cleaned up and cleo is sceaming "hey hey !" i say picking her up shes sick all over me  "great " i put her down and shove on sleeping booty shorts and camerons baggy top, i put my hair up in a messy bun, i start running a small bath for cleo "come here little lady " i smile i change her out of the sicky clothes and   i carry her to the bath and lay her in it, she screams and crys "cleo marie its okay shhh" i say as i wash her hair and tiny body " there hey " i smile she clams down and i get her out .

i get her dressed and i let her have a nap , i let Freddie out and play with him and i sat on the sofa with freddie on my chest , i put him in his cage to sleep ,   Cleo wakes up form her nap and i watch some films with her laying on my lap and i make myself some dinner and i get cleo and take her into my room and walk around singing to her to get her to sleep, if i aint got you came into my head,

"Some people live for the fortune

Some people live just for the fame

Some people live for the power, yeah

Some people live just to play the game

Some people think that the physical things

Define what's within

And I've been there before

But that life's a bore

So full of the superficial

Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you, baby

If I ain't got you, baby

Some people want diamond rings

Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got you, yeah

Some people search for a fountain

That promises forever young

Some people need three dozen roses

And that's the only way to prove you love them

Hand me the world on a silver platter

And what good would it be

With no one to share

With no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you, baby

If I ain't got you, baby

Some people want diamond rings

Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got you, you, you

Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you, baby

If I ain't got you, baby

Some people want diamond rings

Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got you, yeah

If I ain't got you with me, baby

So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing

If I ain't got you with me, baby" shes fast asleep, i put her into the cot and i put her teddy next to her and put her blanket on her,  i hear someone come in, i hope its cameron not someone breaking again, i  hear them walk into the room and walk over to me and Cleo , i feel warm hands wrap around me "hi baby" cameron wispers in my ear " hi " i smile and turn around , he kisses me ,hes never kissed me like this before and i lay on our bed and he get undressed and climbs in next to me and we kiss for a bit and talk about our days and we fall asleep cuddling .  

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