his expression when you hug him for the first time

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Well, being a gentleman, (of course) he gladly hugs you back, telling you that you're his best friend.

Stunned at first, but then he put his arm around your shoulder. Awkwardly.

You can tell he is quite glee and after you both pull away, he uses his infamous tight, innocent smile and hand you another ice lolly.

He smirks as you give him a short hug and kisses you on the forehead after.

He smiles kindly and hugs you back while muttering a lot 'thank-you' for your help all this time.

He grins, the motion which you like from him and tightly hugs you back, thanking you who wants to be friends with him.

Surprised and you can tell that he's red when you hug him, but then he slowly returns the embrace.

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