how he wakes you up

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Charles is a morning bird, obviously. He touches his temple and whispers sweet things in your mind until you wake up in his arms with a morning smile.

Erik wakes up early, but doesn't wake you. He just lay there unmoving, watching you sleep until you open your beautiful (e/c) eyes.

He's Peter, of course he won't wake you up in a romantic way. Like, one day, and it was 12 already, he screamed "Fire fire fire fire" repeatedly as he ran around your house and ended up on your bed, you already filled a bucket of water.

"Just kidding," he said, grinning innocently.

You dumped the bucket at his head before he could even run.

Alex presses a gentle kiss just below your browbone to wake you up. But if you don't, and before he does another trick, his brother pounds on the door.

"Bro you gotta take me to school," says Scott in a flat tone.

You wake up by yourself before he can. Normally it's you who wake him up.

When you're late to get up for school, Kurt usually dangles a toast with chocolate spread in front of your nose.

He shakes you gently and greets you with a reluctant peck to the corner of your lips. You wake up with a giggle.

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