when you get a nightmare

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Charles won't let any of those scary nightmares get inside your head so you have none

You usually squirm. And when you wake up you already have a knife in hand. Erik casually throws the knife away and always gets you to sleep again

He hugs you quickly. To calm you down he spills out jokes that makes you laugh to forget your nightmare you just had, and you both go to sleep again

Alex hears a crying and immediately he knows that it comes from you. You cry in your sleep. He shakes you and calls your name in attempt to wake you up, and you did wake up. After he comforts you and all, you both go back to sleep.

Normally you gasp and sit up abruptly, automatically waking up Summers who was asleep beside you. He asks you and you answer truthfully, and receive a hug from him. Even though you don't really scared of the nightmare, but you still need Scott by your side.

Kurt would promise to you that he won't let bad guys got near you (you get a bullied kind of nightmare) and says that he loves you more than anything, which calms you down and with relief, you immediately fall asleep

Hank would put his arms around you securely, while whispering to your ear that he's there and you're safe with him

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