the bad thing you didn't think he had

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One day when you were in his mansion you hear screams from upstairs. You then ran up the stairs and into his room, finding Charles curling up in the corner of his room grabbing his head in pain. When he was all okay after you calmed him down, you asked him what all that was. He explained that he just got an excruciating pain from people's mind, which happens rarely to him.

You didn't know about his dark past until he told you about that one day, because he trusts you the most. You ended up tearing but then he hugged you and telling you that it's alright. He slowly rocked you back and forth until you fell asleep in his embrace.

You were still thinking that he's funny and all that stuff, until when you were alone in the basement waiting for him and suddenly he rushed in, crashing on the couch abruptly with his head on your lap. When you checked him you then found a purple eye with his left jaw bruised badly. He told you that he stole Twinkies again - which is his bad habit - and that he was okay and also telling you to not worry.

"Fast healing factor remember?" he then winked at you before he passed out.

"Jesus Peter," you mumbled rolling your eyes.

He told you that he did crime and got in jail several times because he wanted to stay away from the outside world so he couldn't harm anyone because of his power. You pitied him quickly and hugged him tight, making him to promise to you that he won't do such things again.

He was insecured about himself. One day you heard a crack from the bathroom. You got up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom, only to find Scott had bloodied knuckles and the mirror in front of him cracked. You quickly covered his hand with a wet towel and asked him what happened. He was tearing up, and telling you that he just couldn't... he couldn't accept himself because he wasn't perfect for you.

"These eyes, (y/n), I just can't! I cannot see anything without wearing these glasses. Everything I see is red, (y/n), because of the lenses. I don't hate the lenses I just don't like it because I can't see you clearly, and because I can't see those (e/c) eyes of yours."

You then took his hand and hugged him then, telling him that he's all perfect for you and so is the other way around. And also, it made his mood brightens up again, because you tell him,

"You're lucky to have me so I can protect you if I know that you get your ass kicked."

You watch Kurt expertly doing his circus acrobats but sometimes you also check on your camera, your eyes running through the pictures. You grin at one of the photos when Kurt had your sugar glider pets on his shoulder and his arm.


"Oh my God Kurt," you mumble when you see Kurt on the ground struggling on himself. You rush over to him and help him up, checking if there's any broken bones. But there isn't any. He said thanks to you with a smile and goes to continue again but suddenly he hisses, clutching his lefr shoulder.

"I think it moved. It's the twentieth time - I count," he explains to you while you sit him down, grabbing on some parts on his left arm.

"Does it hurt?" you ask, but before he got a chance to answer you placed the bones back into their place.

"Done," you innocently say to him, beaming proudly to yourself. After a few seconds of recovery he hugs you and kisses you on the cheek as a gratitude.

Your boyfriend and the word 'insecurity' sometimes have these problems and even conflicts. He is still insecure about his animal-like feet, just because he wants so bad to be normal. One day you found him wreaking things, another day you found him messing his papers up, and another day again he threw a cup of coffee you made for him to the floor. One time he came up to you, apologizing and you smiled, hugging him and told him that it's perfectly fine.

Btw so close to 1k read guyysss ^-^

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