Chapter Twenty One

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"Tell me everything about her,"

Camila wasn't sure what to start with, there was so much that she could say about her younger sister, the memories that came flooding back to her seemed beautiful however each one was saddening as she knew that she wouldn't be able to make another memory with Sofi, like the old ones.

"She loved butterflies," Camila whispered, shifting slightly so that she was facing Lauren more.

"And princesses so I used to call her my butterfly princess," The younger girl paused for a moment.

"If she woke up during the night, she would come to my room and I would tell her a story about the butterfly princess and sing to her as well and then she would go back to sleep. I don't even remember the last time that I told her a butterfly princess story," Camila said, her voice catching in her throat again.

"It's okay, carry on," Lauren encouraged, kissing Camila's temple.

"One summer, we went to the park and there was a small pond there, really not that deep but Sofi fell in and she was a very theatrical little kid, so I jumped in and carried her out and for the rest of the summer break she called me her super hero. Because I saved her. She stopped calling me that though. I don't know why," The brown eyed girl said, taking in a deep breath.

"She wanted to become a ballerina when she was younger as well, and also a police woman. I told her she could be whatever she wanted to be and I would play games with her where I'd pretend to be the bad guy and she would arrest me," Camila said, laughing slightly at the memory.

"She would have to let me out off the fake prison though because it would be dinner time," Camila laughed again. "She was such a messy eater," She giggled, turning onto her side so that she was facing Lauren completely.

"What are you staring at?" Camila asked.

"A very beautiful girl," Lauren whispered, closing the gap between the two girls and kissing Camila gently.

"Camz?" The older girl asked.


"I love you," Lauren smiled, quickly kissing the brown eyed girl again and smiling happily.

"I love you too," Camila replied, resting her head on Lauren's shoulder and closing her eyes.

"Tell me more," The older girl said, running a hand through Camila's hair.

"She was very pretty, beautiful, astonishing," The brown eyed girl spoke, her eyes still shut. "Her smile would always make me smile and that also happened with her laugh. It was infectious and she knew when I was sad so would make me laugh," Camila paused briefly.

"Oh yeah! And for about the first six months of her life, I called her fluffy because I wanted a cat more than a sister," This final story made Lauren smile the most because Camila truly laughed at the memory.

"I think I want to sleep for a bit," Camila mumbled, slowly sliding out from under the cover.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked, reaching for Camila's hand.

"To bed," The younger girl replied.

"No, stay here, please," Lauren pouted, pulling Camila back down onto the bed. "I still have some work to do but I'll just have my laptop," Lauren said, quickly grabbing her laptop then going back under the cover with Camila who was quick to lean against the older girls body as she felt very weak and tired.

After about ten minutes of silence, Camila spoke up again. "She never got to experience love," The brown eyed girl whispered, feeling her eyes beginning to water as she gripped onto Lauren's hand. "She didn't get to know the feeling you get when you're in love with someone. How they're constantly on your mind and always make your heart flutter and your pulse pound so heavily..." Camila slowly trailed off as she realised all the things that Sofi never got to do or try or experience.

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