Chapter 5 ~ Mind Games

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 A loud knocking roused me from my sleep the next morning. I yawned, almost forgetting where I was, before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Yes?" I answered. "Miss Kalane?" An unfamiliar voice called through the door. "I'm up." I replied groggily. "Master Ren requests your presence." The voice remarked. "I'm coming." I called back, rolling my eyes. Oh yes...Master Ren....real scary... I mentally complained as I got dressed in my training outfit and cloak. I opened the door and exited the room, only to run into an unknown man standing at my door. "Sorry." I grumbled, meeting his deep blue eyes. He wasn't as tall as Kylo but he still towered over me. His ginger hair was slicked back and he wore a stern expression. "Apology accepted. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Kalane." The man said politely, though not exactly in a friendly manner. "Thanks. And you are?" I asked. "General Hux. Master Ren sent me to retrieve you for your first day of actual training." He explained, sounding rather bored. I nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." I tried my best to fake a smile. "Yes. Well, come along then. Wouldn't want to keep Ren waiting would we?" He asked rhetorically. I shrugged and followed him as he led me through the winding halls of the new Starkiller ship. Hux was silent and seemingly disinterested in my apprenticeship with Kylo Ren. I sighed as we came to the door from yesterday, halting stiffly as Hux announced my presence.

The doors slid open, revealing an unmasked Kylo sitting in the center of the room calmly. I swallowed nervously, but walked into the chamber anyway. "That will be all, General." Kylo excused Hux, a small smirk playing on his lips. Hux frowned and backed away, leaving me alone with my Sith master once more. "Good morning, Andromeda." Kylo said, using the Force to shut the door behind me. I flinched as the door slammed, but tried to remain calm. "Good morning, Kylo." I wasn't going to call him "Master Ren" unless I absolutely had to. That was a formality that he didn't deserve. His smirk grew as he motioned for me to come closer. "Sit." He commanded. I slowly moved forward, sitting on the cool floor across from him, smoothing my skirt down. "Closer." He told me. Sighing, I shifted forward a bit, remaining about yard away from him. "More." Kylo said with a surprising calmness. I moved closer, less than a foot away at this point. "Good." Kylo praised me.

I was trying to calm my racing pulse, taking a deep breath as I stared back at him. Was he going to attack me again today? Kylo leaned forward, raising his hand so that his fingers hovered in front of my face. I stared at them cautiously, unsure about what he was trying to do. "Relax, and this won't hurt." He said softly. My eyes widened. What won't hurt? I panicked internally, but tried to do as asked. If I had any chance of escape, I needed to follow orders like a good little apprentice. My pulse slowed as I calmed my mind and took another deep breath.

As if on cue, there was a strong prodding sensation in my forehead, as if my memories were being pulled apart. It was as if something sharp was poking my brain, making my head throb painfully. I clenched my teeth, glaring at Kylo as he invaded my mind. His fingers were still hovering in front of my face, still as stone, his eyes closed in concentration. He was analyzing me, reading my thoughts, flitting through my secrets. Very interesting... I heard Kylo's voice in my head. Somewhat privileged, yet modest...bullied as a child...warrior at heart... He spoke softly, curiously. Then he smirked. Escape? Oh won't be escaping... My eyes widened, realizing that he could literally read my every thought. Smart girl....oh believe me...we will fight again soon, but I won't surprise you every time.... Finally he withdrew, backing away and opening his eyes. I swallowed thickly and met his gaze.

He knew everything about me. I felt so violated...and yet...somehow I felt as if he understood me... Like he had known what it was like to be an outcast despite trying everything you could to fit in. He was staring at me inquisitively. "You wanted to leave? It's only been a few days. Besides, this is the most secure ship that's ever been built. How did you think you would escape?" He asked. I lowered my eyes. "I don't know how..." I admitted begrudgingly. "Why then?" Kylo Ren looked genuinely puzzled. Interested even. I looked back into his dark eyes. "Because, I'm part of the Resistance! I was raised to despise the First Order. And now I'm your apprentice! Don't you understand how torn I am? I feel like a traitor to my people and my family." I explained. "Then let me show you how powerful I can make you. You and I, we can change the universe forever. We can make it a better place. I can show you everything about the Force. I can teach you to bend it at your will. You just need to trust me." He pressed. "Trust? How do you expect me to trust you? After everything you've done? You nearly destroyed Naboo!" I scoffed. He rolled his eyes. "I never would've destroyed Naboo. It is a planet I favor above all others. But I can understand your uncertainty. Just...give me the benefit of a doubt. We want the same things Andromeda, we're more alike than you wish to believe..." He whispered. His gaze was still locked with my own, both of us silent for the moment as we stared at one another. But something within his eyes had changed. Dark shadows of loneliness seemed to appear in the chocolate depths. Before I could be sure though, his expression hardened once more, reverting back to its more stoic state. "Fine." I grumbled with resignation. Kylo took a deep breath. "Good." He replied smugly.

A few heartbeats passed before I brushed my hair back from my face. "So, since I'm stuck here, I might as well train. What's today's lesson?" I asked. He smirked. "I'm glad that you are eager to learn. It makes my job far easier. To answer your question however, I will be teaching you how to move objects with the Force." He answered, getting to his feet. I followed slowly, brushing the dust from the floor off of my skirt.

The table from the day before was sitting in the back of the room, shining under the bright lights. "See this table?" Kylo inquired, moving over to it. I nodded, watching him. "Watch what I do." He told me, turning his own gaze on the table. I did the same, switching my attention between his raised hand and the small object. The table started levitating off of the ground and floating in the air, slowly moving around the circumference of the room. Then it flew toward us, clanging heavily on the floor in front of me. I flinched, startled. "Now, do what I just did." Kylo said. I gazed at him in surprise. "But...I don't know how to control it. What I did with your stormtroopers was an accident. I don't know how it happened." I told him. He sighed, coming closer to stand in front of me. "That's why I am here. To teach you. Or at least I would if you let me finish!" He said frustratedly. I nodded, closing my mouth and waiting for him to continue. "Look at the table. Focus on it. It's the only object in the room." He said, walking around me.

I turned my attention back to the table, staring at it intently. "Now...tell it what you want it to do. Order it to take flight. Don't say it out loud. Just concentrate hard on that thought." He said. His voice started sounding far away, hazy. Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes, holding my hand out towards the table. Come it...move... I thought. I heard a gentle clinking and peeked an eye open, seeing the table trembling against the floor. I suddenly felt very winded, lungs aching painfully. I released my focus, gasping. "You may take a break if you wish." Kylo said tiredly. I turned to look at him. "No. Again." I replied defiantly, looking at the table again with determination. Something similar to curiosity radiated off of Kylo, but he didn't protest my demand.

Holding my hand out to the table once again, I focused on telling the table to fly, my hand shaking with the effort. Kylo's gaze burned into my back, making me both nervous and invigorated at the same time. Just as I was about to give up, the table shot straight up into the air and soared back across the room, slamming into the metal wall and creating a noticeable dent. My eyes were wide with surprise as I stared at the effect of what I had done. "Good. You're learning." Kylo praised me, moving over to inspect the wall. "You're very strong with the Force, Andromeda." He told me.

My heart rate accelerated. Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe, I could actually learn a few things here. I could use what I learn from Kylo, not to harm people, but to help them. "Now, do it again." Kylo said. Nodding, I waited for him to step back before repeating my previous actions. The table rose off the ground again, hovering in place in the air. I pulled my hand back and pushed it forward quickly, shooting the heavy object back into the wall. The dent grew larger. "Again." Kylo ordered. I did as told, throwing the table into the dent once more. This went on for a long time, Kylo having me continuously doing the same actions over and over again.

To my astoundment, it was actually getting easier. My breathing was not as labored. My muscles were not as weak. Even the lightheadedness was fading."Stop." Kylo finally told me. I lowered my hand, awaiting instruction. "Now. Pick me up." He said. My eyes widened. "But don't throw me against the wall." He smirked a bit. "I'm sure that's quite a tempting idea for you right now." I chuckled. "Really? What gave you that idea?" I asked innocently. Kylo rolled his eyes and stood in front of me. I smirked and held my hand up, using the energy in my body to urge the Force to lift Kylo into the air, making him hover above me. He was right. Slamming him into the wall with my newfound power was very enticing, but it would only make my situation worse. Instead, I moved him 360° around the room before dropping him back where I made him levitate from. "I'm impressed." Kylo said. "You can control your emotions well..." He murmured. "Yeah, it a gift." I smirked back. He shook his head, seeming to hide a small grin. "You did well, but there is much I still have to teach you. You may leave for today." He said, brushing off his sweater. I nodded, turning around and heading toward the door. Without another word, I exited the room. 

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