Chapter 16 ~ Ghostly Encounters

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When Kylo went back to his chambers that night, he was thoroughly exhausted. Even though Andromeda was injured, she was fighting at her normal speed, no matter how hard he tried to slow down for her. He sighed, both admiring and hating that about his apprentice. She was strong and optimistic. But she was also careless at times when she couldn't afford to be. Something else had been on his mind as well. What was he going to do? He loved the exhilaration of the dark side and the thrill of power. And he disliked the Jedi code very much. Yet, he could feel the allure of the light. It came not only from his memories of his childhood and family, and his remorse of his father's death, but also from Andromeda and her constant purity. He had done exactly what Snoke had warned him not to. He had been seduced by her, by the light.

Kylo shook his head, moving across the room to his secret closet. The one that held his grandfather's burnt and disintegrating mask. He picked it up, holding the object carefully out in front of him. I don't know what I am doing anymore, Grandfather. I need your guidance. He thought, turning the black mask in his hands.

Kylo froze, feeling a large, warm hand on his shoulder. One of his hands flew to the hilt of his weapon. The grip he had on his lightsaber tightened, and he whirred around to face his attacker. His eyes widened as he took in the appearance of the figure standing before him. It was glowing with a blue light, shining like a star in the red colored room. The shape formed more clearly, shifting into that of a man, a spirit. Someone Kylo didn't recognize, and yet, he felt connected to all the same. "Who are you?" Kylo demanded with as much conviction as he could muster. "Who do you think I am, Ben Solo?" The man replied calmly. "That is not my name!" Kylo shouted. "On the contrary. I know it is. I know everything about you Ben. I've been watching you since you were a mere child." Kylo stared at the figure in disbelief, trying to figure out who it was and how they knew him.

He took in the ghost's dark, brooding eyes, his shoulder length brown hair, and strong jaw. The scar that stretched across its face seemed to make something click in Kylo's mind. His eyes continued to rake over the other man's lean form and fell upon the ghostly blue lightsaber that he was holding. The clues started piecing themselves together in Kylo's mind. "Grandfather?" He asked, feeling himself weaken from the pure shock of it all. He was actually meeting the man he admired most in the world. "Yes Ben...I am Anakin Skywalker. Your grandfather." "But how? I mean...I am at your service. I will continue what you started Grandfather. I am almost there. I'm so close." Kylo explained. Anakin stared calmly at his grandson, shaking his head slowly. "No, Ben." He said. Kylo returned his gaze with confusion. "But...isn't this what you always wanted?" He asked.

Anakin sighed. "It was, when I was young and reckless. It was the most foolish plan. I was coerced, by someone much like Snoke. Listen to me Ben. You mustn't continue the path you are on. It will destroy you. I learned that much too late. To walk the line of darkness and light can be an advantage, but to use the Force only for harm and chaos is a mistake you cannot afford." He told Kylo. "But-" "No, Ben!" Anakin repeated firmly, shaking his grandson's shoulders. "This is not who you are." "You don't know me!" Kylo hissed angrily. "Oh really? I know how much you love that girl. Your apprentice. And I happen to know she feels the same. You just can't look over your ego and lust for power long enough to see it. Take it from me, do not let the darkness push her away from you. She is the one thing you will need and miss most in this world if you let her go. So don't. Learn from my mistakes Ben. Don't repeat them. Admire the lessons I learned in the end, not what I did to know them." Anakin told Kylo. "All of the power in the universe cannot compare to the love in both of your hearts. If you are not careful, the Dark side will destroy her. It will destroy you. It almost did just a few days ago. You can feel it tearing you apart already. That's exactly how I felt. You need to save yourself and save her, before it's too late." "But I don't know how!" Kylo said. "You will figure it out. You are my grandson after all. Promise me, Ben. Promise me that you will give up on this plot!" Anakin bellowed, tightening his grip on Kylo.

Kylo looked around wildly, confusion clouding his thoughts. "I-I-promise Grandfather..." He whispered. Anakin's ghost smiled at the man in front of him. "Thank you. You are good Ben, too good for this destruction. Don't become the monster I was." He said. There was a finality in his voice as he began to fade away, the light dimming around the room. Kylo's eyes widened, and he tried to grasp the ghost's robes. "NO! Please! I need you grandfather! I don't know what I am doing!" He cried, tears coming to his eyes. But the man vanished with a last smile at Kylo. Kylo crumpled to the floor, crying softly. Tell her... A soft wisp of air tickled his ear one last time as the presence disappeared completely.

Moments passed, Kylo crouching low to the ground as tears of frustration and depression slid down his face. He knew he was utterly alone then. He didn't have anyone... Except...He thought, contemplating what Anakin had told him. Should he really put his faith in his apprentice? Did she truly feel the same for him as he did for her? Was redemption his only option after all? After everything he had been through? A fog of confusion and uncertainty shrouded his mind, and he craved for nothing more than a clear path out of the chaos surrounding him.

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