Chapter 14 ~ After the Storm

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I opened my eyes. My vision was foggy, but I was still able to figure out that I was in a dimly lit red room. My whole body was surprisingly warm, considering that the last thing I had felt before passing out was the ice seeping into my clothes. A moment later, I finally registered the feeling of large, muscular arms wrapped around my waist securely. My eyes widened as I felt a body aligned perfectly with mine, and there was a faint snoring in my ear. I turned my head, cautiously trying to figure out who was with me. I couldn't turn my head far enough to see their face, but the chest was very muscular, leading me to fully assume that it was a male.

As I examined the room, a glimmer of silver metal in a nearby chair caught my eye. It was Kylo's mask. "Kylo?" I whispered his name, utterly surprised by this. I shifted slightly, whimpering in pain as something on my side pulled uncomfortably. Rolling onto my back, I reached down to feel my bare torso. There were about a dozen stitches in place of where I was supposed to have a gaping lightsaber injury. They were covered in a sticky green gel-like substance and a fresh layer of gauze. My fingers examined the inflamed skin and wound. Whoever had fixed me up had done an amazing job, though I would still have a huge scar. But at least I wasn't dead.

This reminded me of something, and I looked to my right, coming face to face with Kylo. Why was he lying in a bed with me? Had we been captured by the Resistance? If we had, I doubt they would be this hospitable to either of us. Where were we? My brain was yearning for answers, but somehow I remained calm. This was mainly because of Kylo. Something was noticeably different with him, though I couldn't figure out what it was. The more alert I was becoming, the more easily I could use my Force-sensitivity to my benefit. If I focused, I could feel Kylo's power radiating off of him in waves, and his aura was more easily readable. The usually sad and angry air that surrounded him was strangely calm and collected. If I searched hard enough, I could even sense some worry, which was something that I never expected Kylo to feel.

It was then that I probably should've pushed him off the bed and demanded answers as to why we were lying together. Why his arms were around me. Why most of his clothes were across the room on a chair. But I didn't. I simply continued to stare at him for a moment, admiring his facial features up close. He looked so happy, somehow at peace. The usually stern look was replaced with contentment. His hair was messy, covering his ear from my view. Seeing him so relaxed was so strange, but it made me happy to know that his demons weren't torturing him every night. I didn't want to move, for fear that one change in my position would shatter the perfect illusion of tranquility at my side. Something deep inside me wanted nothing more than to wake up like this every morning for the rest of my life. In Kylo's arms, seeing him at ease and soft, even if it meant that I would have these pesky stitches in my side the whole time. But I was grateful for the moment nonetheless, even if it only happened just this once. How did I get here? I never expected to become Kylo Ren's apprentice, and I definitely never dreamed that I would really fall in love, let alone with a Sith lord. So why does everything seem so clear whenever he is around? Things I normally despised in other people made me want him more. He intrigued me more than any riddle I had ever heard.

Sure, he could be hot-headed and overly emotional, but he could also be kind and understanding as well. I gasped, realizing what it was in him that had changed. The darkness no longer shrouded his heart like it used to. There was still light in him, even if he couldn't bring himself to admit it. He was still good. He wasn't truly a monster, not to me at least.

As difficult as it was for me to accept, I trusted him. I loved him. A part of me hated myself for it, but there was no denying what I felt with him. Falling for Kylo Ren...that was definitely not something that I ever expected.

I dozed in and out of consciousness for what seemed to be forever. My body ached and my muscles were on fire, and I was thoroughly exhausted. Eventually Kylo rolled over, his arm wrapping around my waist protectively once more. I blushed darkly, but smiled in contentment as I drifted off again.

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