Chapter 29 ~ Always

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It was warm. Unusually so. As if the heat of a million suns was burning the skin of my back. I shifted uncomfortably, still half way between consciousness and sleep. My body was unbelievably sore, every muscle, tendon, and bone felt strained under my skin. My head throbbed harder than a blacksmith hammering a blade. Groaning softly, I forced my eyes open, coming face to face with the stream of harsh sunlight coming through the opening of the tent. "Have I ever told you that you're a heavy sleeper?' A deep male voice questioned from behind me.

Startled, I rolled out of the bed, taking the thin sheet with me as I fell to the floor and scrambled backward. Eyes wide in fear, I frantically looked around for the source of the sound. The voice let out a throaty laugh, thoroughly amused by my actions. I recognized the voice immediately after my eyes fell upon the man it belonged to. My skin paled and I let out a gasp of both relief and fright. Fright because I didn't expect it to be him at all, but relief because it was him. "Ben..." I muttered, staring at him in shock. He nodded in reassurance, giving me a wide smile. The events of the night before came back to me, memories becoming brief flashes of pain and remorse, and then anger and hope. "Oh my god. It worked. You're alive. You're alive!" I exclaimed, stumbling forward on still shaky legs so that I could wrap my arms around him. "I promised you that we would have a future didn't I? Nothing, not even death, would change that." He responded, hugging me against him tightly.

I buried my fingers in his skin, forgetting about how terrible I really did feel. All that mattered in that moment was that Ben was there. That he was back. He was alive. His skin was warm and pink again, eyes full of life and exhilaration, heart beating strongly within his chest. The only thing that gave a clue as to the fact that he had died was the wound that had been freshly stitched across his abdomen. Careful not to hit the slash, I repositioned myself slightly. "Please say this is really happening. That you're really here and that it's not some sort of cruel joke. That I'm not dreaming." I began to cry, burying my face in his neck. "I'm here. Because of you, Andromeda. I don't know how you did it, but you brought me back to life. I heard your voice, through all the gray, the nothingness, and I let go of everything I have shouldered for so many years, and I woke up again, here, with you...Thank you." He murmured, running his fingers through my hair and cradling my head. "Of course. But it was the Force that brought you back, I just helped it along. I thought I had lost you until Anakin Skywalker made an appearance." I regained my control and pulled back to look him in the eyes. "My grandfather...he was here?" He wondered. I nodded, unable to stop the smile forming on my face. "Yes. And he told me to tell you that he was so proud of you and everything you have done. He said he couldn't have hoped for a better grandson." I repeated the spirit's message, watching tears form in Ben's eyes. He blinked a few times and looked away from me, seeming to be lost in thought. "Are you okay?" I inquired hesitantly, making sure he hadn't started bleeding again or something. "Yes. I just...I can't tell you how much that means to me. Nor can I describe how much I love you." He spoke softly, shaking his head.

Still smiling, I pressed my forehead against his, relishing in the fact that he was really okay. "I love you too." I told him. He smiled back, rubbing my shoulders softly as he leaned forward and kissed me. Our lips synchronized with each other once again. It felt like it had been an eternity since the last time his mouth had pressed so insistently against my own. The dark flames of desire burst through the waves of calm once again, bringing forth a renewed passion between Ben and I. We clung to one another as if our lives depended on it.

The soft sound of someone clearing their throat caused us to break apart from one another and turn toward the noise. "I see you're awake now. You had us worried this morning when we found you." It was General Organa and Han. I blushed furiously and glanced between them and Ben, wondering why they didn't seem the least bit surprised to see him alive. "Oh. They came in earlier right after I came back. You missed the reunion." Ben explained. "Oh." I mumbled, understanding at last. The couple stepped closer and each one hugged me tightly. My eyes widened in surprise but of course I hugged them back. When they pulled away, they both had tears in their eyes. "Thank you Andromeda, for not only bringing my son back home to me, but bringing him back from the jaws of death." Leia smiled, patting her son's shoulder. "Of course." I dipped my head in appreciation. Han smiled kindly at me. "I don't know how you managed it, but you saved our broken family. You did good, kid." He reiterated. "Thank you." I responded, looking back to Ben. He was absolutely beaming. General Organa clasped her hands as if settling something. "Well then! I believe this is cause for celebration! My son is alive and well, and we have won the war. Peace can be restored to the galaxy once again." She proclaimed. "We will hold a feast at the end of the week to celebrate our victory!" She announced. Ben and I smiled at one another and leaned on each other's shoulders. We've won. It's over. We really did it.

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