Chapter 30 ~ Second Chances

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 Nearly a month had passed after the Battle on D'Qar. News of reconstruction in the Citadel and on the other planets destroyed by the First Order came and went. Snoke had been the highest ranking leader among the opposing side, and therefore the rest of the First Order crumbled in on itself after his death. The fight for power had led them to destroy themselves completely, leaving nothing but wounded soldiers and dusty battlefields haunted by the ghosts of the fallen. The council had recrowned Leia once again, though she insisted upon remaining a General of the Resistance. She was technically a queen now, making Han a king and Ben a prince, yet none of them acknowledged their true titles, even Ben. He was content just being Ben Solo, war hero, Gray Jedi, and my fiance.

Rey and Finn's wedding celebration had been simple yet elegant, decorated with white roses and silver ribbons. I had enlisted Orusa to make Rey's gown, after all, Rey had named me her Maid of Honor. It had turned out absolutely astonishing. Strapless and silver, with little beads lining the edge of the bust and falling to her feet. Poor Rey actually cried when I presented the gown to her, as this was the most beautiful thing she had ever worn, in her eyes at least. I helped her get into it and do her makeup with soft colors that enhanced hr natural beauty. I tied her hair into complicated up-do with a braid crossing over the top of her head in front of the bun. Leia even let her borrow a jewelry set from when she had married Han. It was a teardrop shaped diamond hanging on a silver chain with matching earrings. I even talked Rey into wearing some short heels with gems embossed on the straps. She had some trouble walking in them at first, but Leia and I demonstrated what she needed to do and she quickly caught on, despite the fact that she was still relatively clumsy. But by the hour of her wedding, she looked like a goddess. "Finn isn't going to be able to breathe when he sees you." I whispered as we walked out of her chambers and to the part of the forest where the ceremony was being held.

When we came to the pathway where she was to "walk down the aisle" so to speak, I stepped back so that Han could take her arm as her escort. Finn was standing next to the officiant, looking rather dashing in a white jacket and crisp white button up, along with traditional white pants. The outfit contrasted quite nicely with his dark skin, if I did say so myself. Rey was beaming the entire time she made her way to her soon-to-be-husband. Ben and I met up at the base of the path, linking arms as we strode down the way, being Rey and Finn's only companions at the top of the alter. Finn reached out for Rey's hand, and Han gave her away to him with a quick kiss on the cheek. Rey accepted Finn's hand and stepped up next to him, taking her place at his side for the ceremony, Ben and I parted and stood behind our respective counterparts, me with Rey and Ben with Finn. The service itself was short, the couple exchanging their vows and their rings with quiet anticipation.

The party after the ceremony was festive and full of laughter, the happy couple awkwardly dancing the night away. Ben and I busied ourselves with watching the interactions of all of the people. "That will be us, soon enough." I took his hand in mine. "Yes...but perhaps without the dancing..." He replied. I scoffed, turning in my seat as I looked at him. "Of course the dancing. It will be our wedding! Why do you always find ways of getting out of dancing?" I asked. "Do you not know how?" I continued softly. "Of course I know how to dance," He replied pointedly. "I'm simply not too fond of the concept." He murmured. "Fine. We won't dance now, but we are dancing at the wedding!" I responded. Ben smirked and shook his head, probably knowing I wouldn't give up on this argument.

Three more fleeting weeks passed, every day drawing closer to my own wedding. Rey and Finn honeymooned in the newly rebuilt Citadel, spending two straight weeks there, just the two of them, before returning to D'Qar. The morning of the my own special occasion, I woke up to the sun shining brightly over the entire camp. My mother, Leia, Rey, and Orusa all barged into my chambers and dragged me away to Orusa's room to get ready. Upon arriving, I was practically thrown into a chair, my mother leaning over me to do my makeup while Leia curled my hair and pulled half of it up and out of my face. Orusa presented me with my finished dress, which was made of the finest material I had ever seen. It was a shimmering white strapless gown, with a black band of silk covered in intricate beading and jewels around my waist, and it fell well past my toes. Rey placed a long glittering veil in my hair and Orusa helped me into some white satin pumps that had sparkles covering the heels.

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