Chapter 19 ~ Despair

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A couple weeks later, I found myself heading to Orusa's chambers once again, this time to repair a small snag in the skirt of my dress. When I opened her door, she was in the middle of working on some new stormtrooper outfits, particularly the fabric under their white armor. "Andromeda!" She smiled widely in greeting, motioning for me to walk further into the room. I smiled back and came to sit on her couch, watching her deft fingers at work with a needle and beige thread. "What brings you here? I haven't seen you in awhile." Orusa commented. "I'm sorry about that. I've just been really busy, training with Kylo and everything. But I've got a small snag in my dress that I was hoping you could fix." I explained. Orusa nodded, setting down her work and gesturing for me to step onto the platform where she did repairs. "Come then. Let me fix it up." She muttered. I did as instructed, stepping up and waiting for her to grab her needle again. "So how is training going?" She inquired curiously.

My heartbeat accelerated, knowing what training consisted of as of late. "Quite well." I replied simply, remembering what Kylo had said about not telling anyone. "Hmmm." Orusa gazed at me skeptically. "Something's happened, hasn't it." I had to fight the smile tugging on my lips but the blush creeping up my neck must've gave me away. "It has!" She cried happily, elation written across her face. My smile finally broke, and I turned at least three different shades of red. "What happened? Spill." She grinned with a chuckle. "I can't say." I told her in a sing song voice. The smile on her face dimmed for a brief moment, but quickly came back as she stared at me with a finger to her chin, "What if I guess?" She asked. "Then technically you aren't telling me." She pointed out. Grinning, I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm. "I suppose so..." I relented, knowing I could trust her. "Alright....did Master Ren...hold your hand?" She inquired. I shook my head no. "Did he...hug you?" I shook my head negatively again.

Catching on, Orusa gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "He kissed you?!" She nearly screamed in excitement. I giggled like a child, nodding "yes" happily. "Did he tell you he loves you?" She asked. "Not yet..." I replied, making her smile fall slightly. " are you two...together?" She asked cautiously as she began fixing the snag in my dress. I nodded in affirmative. "That's amazing Andromeda! Do you know what caused him to do it? To make a move?" She continued. I shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure, but I think a big part of it came from him finding out about how I feel about him..." I answered, still smiling. "But Orusa, please, please don't tell anyone! If General Hux or Supreme Overlord Snoke find out, we're both dead." I pleaded, staring into her pale violet eyes. She stood up and gently took my hands in her own and squeezed my fingers. "Of course I won't. You're my only friend Andromeda. I wouldn't want to do anything to place you in jeopardy." She smiled. Breathing a sigh of relief, I pulled her in to hug her. Her eyes widened but she quickly returned it.

The door suddenly slid open behind us, causing us to break apart and look over at the entrance to the room. Kylo was standing in the doorway, wearing his mask and looking quite menacing, though I knew he really wasn't that scary. Keeping up the façade, I curtsied along with Orusa, bowing my head in respect. "Rise, both of you." He muttered, voice mechanically disguised. "Miss Kalane. Miss Taku." He greeted. We both looked at him expectantly. "Always a pleasure Master Ren." Orusa offered kindly, glancing at me knowingly. He nodded before his gaze fell on me. "Miss Kalane, we have been summoned by Supreme Overlord Snoke." He explained. My heart felt as if it dropped down to my stomach. "Of course. I'm coming, Master Ren." I told him. He bowed a bit and turned, leaving the room. I turned to Orusa. "Thank you, for everything." I said softly. She nodded. "Good luck." She whispered. I jumped down off the pedestal and walked out the room, shutting Orusa's door behind me as I went.

Kylo was waiting for me in the corridor, pacing quickly. I felt an urge to hug him, but I fought it, knowing a stormtrooper could walk by at any moment. "Come." He told me, signalling for me to follow him. I nodded and walked behind him as we made our way to Snoke's chambers. "What's this about?" I inquired. Kylo looked over at me. "I don't know. But Hux said Snoke requested both of us in his presence immediately." He replied. We made our way through the rest of the ship silently, unsure about what we were going to be heading into. Does Snoke know about us? Are we walking to our deaths? What is so important? I had to steady my breathing, anxiety making me shake in fear.

I barely noticed that we were standing in front of Snoke's chambers until Kylo removed his mask. The movement brought me back into reality, and I met Kylo's gaze hesitantly. "Do you think he knows?" I whispered as softly as I could manage. Kylo shook his head, his eyes reflecting the same emotions I was feeling. Fear was the most prominent. "I don't know." He replied quietly. I looked away, and Kylo glanced around before closing the distance between us, cupping my cheek. "Just remember what I taught you. Block him out." He told me. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down, feeling Kylo drop his hand and back away. "Let's go." I said, opening my eyes and straightening my spine, feeling conviction settle deep in my stomach. I wouldn't be going down without a fight.

Kylo opened the door and we entered the room slowly, walking down the path into the darkness. I forgot how little light was down here. The dim red light at the far end of the room flickered just slightly, giving a pale glow to the figure standing below it. " nice to see you..." A dark, raspy voice came from the creature heading toward us, "Supreme Overlord Snoke." Kylo greeted, bowing to the man. I quickly followed suit, dipping my head. "It's truly a pleasure." I said through gritted teeth. "On your feet, both of you. There is much to discuss." Snoke brushed our words off, gesturing for us to stand.

We did as told, watching as Snoke moved over to sit in a throne like chair at the other end of the room. Another red light turned on above him as he seated himself silently. " is your training going Miss Kalane?" Snoke addressed me first. I quickly put up the mental wall, stopping him from seeing any of the intimate moments I experienced with Kylo. "Very well Supreme Overlord. Master Ren is a very passionate teacher, I wouldn't be where I am without him." I praised, glancing at Kylo out of the corner of my eyes. He remained stoic, but I could sense that my words made him happier. Snoke placed a finger on his chin, taking in my answer. "Have you advanced your training any further since the unfortunate accident on Hoth?" He asked, tone full of spiteful acid.

He thinks the mission failed because of me... I realized. I swallowed thickly. "Yes, sir. I went back to my training as soon as I woke. Kylo made sure of that." I told Snoke, knowing that was what he wanted to hear. If he knew that Kylo had shown me any kindness, he would've done much more than berate him for being weak. He would've harmed him. He had to believe that Kylo was ruthless and unsympathetic. I could feel Kylo reading my mind, seeing what I was doing after a moment of exploration. "I see. But did I ask about your wounds Miss Kalane?" He growled seethingly. I flinched, shaking my head. "No Sir, forgive me." I muttered, breaking eye contact.

Snoke snorted and leaned back, turning his cold gaze on Kylo. Kylo straightened under the scrutiny. "Is what she said true, Master Ren?" Snoke asked. Kylo nodded. "Yes, Supreme Overlord. I showed her how to use her pain and hate to her advantage. After what the scavenger girl did to her, I doubt there is much love for the Resistance left in Miss Kalane." Kylo confirmed. Snoke gave a malicious smile. "Well done, Ren. I taught you well. I must give you credit for ensuring your apprentice learned how to hold her tongue. We may make a Sith out of her yet..." His gaze flicked to me for a moment before he relaxed back into his dark wooden throne. "Which reminds me. Naboo has been destroyed. Or, at least...the villages have been..." Snoke cackled. My heart broke and my eyes widened. "Wh-what?" I stammered. Kylo looked at me with eyes reflecting the shock I was feeling. "Every surviving man, woman, and child. They have been murdered..." Snoke laughed evilly.

My knees nearly buckled as my body went numb from his words. "Who is responsible for this? Why was I not informed?" Kylo hissed, looking at Snoke. Snoke glared at him, slamming his hand down. "Mind your tongue Ren! You were not informed because it was I who made the order. Naboo has been supporting the Resistance for far too long! They were responsible for the misfortune that befell them!" Snoke shouted. My breathing slowed as I barely heard the words from the two men arguing.

Was everyone really dead? Thalia? Sakun? My mother??? I held back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, refusing to show Snoke any weakness. That's what he wanted. A real excuse to kill me. "You both may leave. Train. And don't come back until I request!" Snoke hissed, pointing at the door in anger. I immediately reeled, turning on my heel and striding out with my head held high despite the walls of emotions crumbling down inside of me. The sound of Kylo's boots scuffling against the ground as he followed me out of the room was the only sound registering in my brain as memories of my home overwhelmed me. I needed to be alone.

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