Chapter 23 ~ Escape

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My heart hammered in my chest as Kylo and I sprinted through the halls together, heading in the direction of the north deck where BN1604 was supposed to be waiting for me. A sudden thought made me jolt to a stop in the middle of the corridor. "Wait!" I called after Kylo, who had already ran over ten yards away from me. He skidded to a stop, turning to look at me. "What?" He panted. "I can't leave Orusa." I explained, doubling back a few feet and jogging down the winding corridor that led to Orusa's chambers. Kylo's footsteps echoed in the silent hallway as he followed close behind me. "You and your heroic urges." He growled. "It's not heroic, she's my friend. She deserves this just as much as we do!" I explained.

We were in front of her door in record time, and I banged frantically on the iron. "Orusa! Please hurry! I need to speak with you!" I hollered, anxiety fueling my adrenaline induced behavior. "Come in, Andromeda!" She replied. Something felt different, very foreboding. Glancing at Kylo, I slid open the doors and barged into the room. A gasp erupted from my throat as my gaze fell on the scene in front of me. General Hux was pointing a gun to Orusa's head, tears staining her shiny skin as she stared back at me. My heart broke for the poor girl, surrounded by stormtroopers and on the brink of death. "Stand down Ren. Supreme Overlord Snoke, the real one, is on his way here right now. He's not too happy about your deceit and betrayal." Hux smirked, cracking his neck. Kylo glared at the ginger with total hatred, teeth clenched in anger. "And you Miss Kalane, you picked the wrong man. I thought you were smarter than this." Hux chuckled, a far away look in his blue eyes. He really was psychotic. "No. I don't think I did." I retorted with my own smirk. I had learned a thing or two on this dark ship.

Just as Hux placed a finger on the trigger of his gun, I grabbed Kylo's hand in mine and held them out in front of us. Every ounce of my willpower went into summoning the strength from Kylo and I combined, begging the Force to harm Hux. Hux laughed darkly, thinking us weak, and he pulled the trigger. But no laser shot out from the end. Instead, the gun turned on its owner, breaking from his grasp and pointing at his stomach. A heartbeat of tense silence passed, and Hux relaxed a bit. "That's it. That's all you can mange. A little threat?" He chuckled maniacally. "Oh the great Kylo Ren has done it aga-" His words were cut off as the weapon released a red laser straight into Hux's stomach. He gasped, cerulean eyes glistening with tears of pain as he fell to his knees.

Fear took control of General Hux and he clutched his stomach, falling to the floor with a shout of agony. He shuddered and twitched on the ground, a pool of blood forming under the black fabric of his sweater, and he turned his head to look at Kylo and I. He was afraid of death. He now understood what it felt like to be on his deathbed, and nothing satisfied me more than to know that his evil man would soon be in his rightful place. Hell. Crimson liquid frothed at his lips, dripping from his mouth and down his jaw, and his eyes settled on me with a grim finality. Even he knew he was dying. "You...will... pay..." He managed, spitting out the words. A few more tremors shook his weak body, and then General Hux heaved a final, heavy breath of air, and the light faded from his furious eyes.

Silence filled the room again. "Anyone else?" Kylo asked, glaring around the room. Most of the stormtroopers backed away. But one still believed he had a chance, and aimed his gun at me. The gold laser narrowly missed my ear, the heat burning my skin. A loud crack echoed through the chamber, the stormtrooper's head twisting oddly as his neck snapped. Kylo glared down at the man, watching him fall to the ground limply, dead. The rest of the stormtroopers bowed their heads and left, knowing who was stronger. Kylo was the biggest threat in the room at that moment. My powers were just an added bonus. They couldn't take us both on. Orusa, who had been frozen during the entire ordeal, shakily got to her feet and ran over to us, pulling both Kylo and I into a giant hug. "Thank you." She whimpered softly. Kylo and I both pulled away, and it was then that Orusa remembered who she had just hugged. "Forgive me, Master Ren. I am just so grateful!" She apologized, looking ashamed. "Don't worry about it. We have bigger problems right now." He replied, looking at me. "Yeah, like now we need to leave!" I said. Kylo and Orusa both nodded, allowing me to lead them back out into the corridor and down the halls.

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