Chapter 8 ~ Bonded

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The next morning I was awoken by a rough hand shaking me. Startled, my eyes flashed open and I reached for my weapon. My arm froze in mid-air, stopping me from gripping my lightsaber. My eyes finally adjusted to the figure standing at my side. "Kylo?" I asked, feeling the Force let up on my arm. "Come on! We are going to be late!" He growled. "Late?" "The meeting with Snoke." He clarified,

Realization dawned on me and I sat up, throwing on my armor. "Why are you here? Hux normally comes and waits at the door." I remarked. "I didn't trust Hux. He uses every opportunity to make me look bad, making you late today would be a perfect time to do so. So I came instead." He explained. I nodded, throwing on my cloak and brushing the tangles out of my long hair. "Let's go." He urged, standing at the door. "Coming." I replied, putting the brush back and exchanging it for my weapon while slipping on my shoes. Kylo looked even more impatient than he usually was during time limits. Seeing that I was ready, he took off out of the room, setting a brisk pace. I rolled my eyes. Not this again...I thought, jogging after him. The doors to my chamber slammed shut behind me, assuring me no one else would get in.

Anxiety filled the pit in my stomach as Kylo led me through the winding halls heading to the council chamber. It felt like it took far less time than it should have. Kylo stopped abruptly outside the large door, turning to look at me as I skid to a stop. I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself as I stared back at him. He looked me over, tilting his head. "Don't move." He said, moving closer to me. His hand came up to brush some hair out of my eyes. The gesture was actually somewhat comforting, but I knew it was only to make me more presentable. "Better. Let's go." He nodded to himself, and stepped back to open the door.

Air came rushing out of the dark chamber as the metal split apart to allow us entrance. Kylo took a deep breath, leading me into the dark room. "Remember what I told you last night." He whispered. I nodded, stepping lightly at his side. The room was pitch black, making it difficult to see your hands in front of your face. It was sinisterly silent, as if all the sound had been vacuumed out of the vicinity. Kylo came to a halt, stopping me from walking further by holding out his arm. I swallowed, looking around nervously. A couple heartbeats passed. No sound. No light. No Snoke. "Where is he?" I whispered. "Shhh." He hissed. A dim red light turned on at the far end of the circular room. "Master Ren. How pleasant to see you." A deep, raspy voice spoke softly. Shivers ran down my spine as I searched for the source of the chilling sound.

A hooded figure emerged from the shadows, walking into the light and facing us. "Good morning Supreme Overlord. It is good to see you." Kylo replied, kneeling. "What have you brought me Ren? I haven't got all day." Snoke said, impatience lacing his voice. Kylo nodded, glancing up at me. "Supreme Overlord Snoke, this is my apprentice, the one you sent me to find on Naboo. Miss Andromeda Kalane." At Kylo's introduction, I kneeled as well, dipping my head in what respect I managed to muster. Footsteps grew louder as Snoke approached the two of us. "Andromeda Kalane...ah yes...I remember." He murmured. "Rise. Both of you." He continued. Kylo and I got back to our feet. "How is her training coming along?" He asked. "Very well. She has mastered lightsaber battles, mind reading, and bending the Force. Perhaps we should advance in her training?" Kylo suggested carefully. Snoke pulled his hood back, revealing the disfigured face beneath.

I held in the gasp that tried to escape, and forced myself to look directly at the marred flesh. Snoke tilted his head, stepping closer to me. I held my ground, feeling his cool, clammy fingers touching my warm skin. He grazed my face gently, seeming to admire how soft it was. "How old are you?" He asked. "Almost twenty." I answered quietly. "Really?" He whispered. I nodded. His eyes closed and I felt an intrusion in my head. I clenched my jaw, doing as Kylo told me. Hopefully, Snoke wouldn't see my true feelings. Some time passed as Snoke searched my brain, learning everything about me. Or at least, almost everything. He finally withdrew, and I glanced at Kylo for any idea of what was going to happen next. He shook his head and continued to stare back at me. I swallowed thickly, meeting Snoke's dark eyes again. "So much pain for someone so beautiful..." He drew out the words.

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