Chapter 1 - Unwillingly Paired

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Hey guys so this is a really quick foreword but I hope you enjoy this story it's really fun to write about these characters!

Chapter 1 - Unwillingly Paired

I hurriedly walk the halls of Frankson High, rushing to reach my next class. I, Tina Jones, have never been late for a class. Ever. But there was a mishap in the cafeteria and being the school captain I naturally intervened.

Now, because of some stupid juniors and their slushie machine, I'm going to get a tardy for my favourite class, Early Childhood. It isn't everyones cup of tea to learn about taking care of kids and such but I love it. Probably because I'm the main caregiver for my 4 year old sister Margaret.

The halls are empty, adding to my distress. Shit shit shit. I cannot be late today! We're getting our biggest assignment of senior year. Taking care of a creepily realistic baby. I've seen others walking around with theirs, trying to stop them cry and have been waiting for my own opportunity to have one. Now I'll probably get a partner like Frank.

It's obviously my biggest dream to have a baby with a creeper.Great. I pick up the pace. I reach the classroom and grab my seat at the front. "Good, your here miss Jones. I didn't think you wanted to miss this lesson." I breathe a sigh of relief. She hasn't assigned partners yet so I can still manage to get a decent one. Hopefully one my boyfriend Will approves of.

"So as I was saying, today you will all be getting your babies and mar- She is cut off by the appearance of another student. I recognise him instantly. Tall, dark, handsome and unfortunately a troublemaker. Alex Cahill, the schools renowned badboy. I didn't know he was in this class. "Sorry miss." He says, leaning against the doorframe. He has a lean build but is somewhat muscular.

"Thats okay Alex. Perhaps next time you will be courteous enough to arrive on time to class. Especially if you just joined." she says, gesturing him to his seat. Oh so that's why I havent seen him. She continue her spiel and I can't help but notice that Alex has already stopped listening. He slumps in his chair and broods.

"So you will be given your babies on Monday but first comes marriage. To make things fair I'm going to draw two names out of these hats and that will be your partner. For the end of the week your job is to get to know them and hopefully enjoy your wedded bliss because they will then be sharing your child for a month. Okay here we go." The entire class sharply inhales, praying they end up with someone good.

"Tim and Lisa. Bree and Paul. Candice and Bryan." I can see the glee on the last couples face as they are paired up. They've been together since junior school and we all know they will marry one day. Unless she gets pregant and they have to speed up the wedding. Half the class is paired up and my chances of a decent husband are slowly decreasing. Soon there is only three boys and girls left. My options are - Alex, Frank and the swedish transfer student whose name I can't pronounce.

He seems the most reliable and normal of the three and I sit praying we are called out together. No such luck. My friend Maddie saunters across the room with him as they are pronounced groom and bride. Oh. Freaky Frank or some random asshole who will be as good a father as my own. The teacher grabs a slip of paper. "Frank and Jessica." The unlucky girl looks immensly disgusted as he winks at her and reluctantly takes to his sides.

"So it seems the fates have put you two together." The teacher says, to Alex and I. He makes no attempt to even look at me and looks extremely bored as she reads out our instructions. "Get to know the person over the weekend, hang out, swap numbers and agree on a baby name. Goodluck." She says just as the bell rings. I can't help but feel furious. Why do I deserve to be paired with some unresponsive jerk. I storm out of class and to the tree where I meet with my girlfriends. Things are about to get crazy.

Hey so that was a cool chapter to write! I'm going to have so much fun with Alex and Tina. What do you guys think about him? Is he all that he seems. Stay tuned for more! Love always :-*

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