Chapter 12 - Expense and Consequence

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The walk down the hospital corridors seems to go in slow motion. The words, 'critical condition' ring in my ears ever since my aunty spoke them to me. I rush to her room which has is now heavily monitored. My family stands around with grave faces.

"Tina." My aunty Mona says, enfolding me in a hug. "Is she ok, What's happening?" I ask, staring down at her frail body. She has a number of tubes and machines connected to her. "We don't know for sure what's happening but she took a turn for the worse." Some doctor says, checking her blood pressure. "Could I speak to Tina privately for a second." He says.

My cousins leave the room to me and Mona. "Look Tina her condition's not improving at all. She requires some better treatment. But she's only going to get that if we send her away. The specialist lives in a different state but it's going to be costly."

"Costly?" I ask.

"Around 20,000 for the treatment."

"20,000! No one has that money. Isn't there some kind of welfare funds or something?"

"We're not going to expect it now but we need your consent by tommorow and the first payment in a week."

I sit down, exasperated. What am I to do? Some things are just unfair. "Does she have any other options?"  Aunty asks.

"Well the only one would be turning off life support. She needs this treatment." Another difficulty. I don't see any other options.

"Fly her out. I'll have the money." I say. I go over to her and hold her frail hand. I kiss her forehead, touch her cheek and leave. Mona speaks to me in the hall.

"Tina where are you gonna get the money from?" Her face reads concern. "I'll find it. Anyway I've got to go see Alex." I leave her and find his room. The nurse tells me not to wake him so I go in quietly. He looks peaceful and I hold his hand, massaging it between mime. The tears are spilling over my cheeks when his eyes flutter open. "Tina?" He says drearily. I give him a weak smile and squeeze his hand. He sits up, seeing my tears.

"Tina? Are you ok? What's wrong?" He says suddenly alert. "I'm just worried about you. And our assignment's due on Monday." I say. He holds my cheek. "Don't worry I'm getting out tommorow. And you'll have to right the summary but other than that we've been great parents!" He says and I laugh slightly but feel no better. He squeezes back at my hand. "But honestly, tell me what's wrong? Is your mother ok? Is it Darla?"

"Well it could be both but I'm not worrying about Darla."

"Was she painful?"

"You betcha. More than painful. Bitch of mega proportions."

"Yeah. I notices that towards the end of the relationship. I don't think we ever had a real connection. Not like you and I." He says. "Now tell me about your mum."

"She's gotten worse and needs surgery but I don't know how I'll get the money."

"How much?"

"20 grand." Alex whistles but seems to think. "You know I can pay for it."

"What? No that's not right the-"

"Why wouldn't it be? You're unlucky to be in a financial strain but it's easy for me to get some off my mum." I shake my head.

"I don't want to owe you! I can sell the tv or something."

"Look, Tina." He says, holding me close. "You don't owe me. You've given me things I couldn't pay back. You're the first girl who actually makes me feel amazing. I'm properly realizing a sense of purpose because of you! You're beautiful and I've never really loved someone like you!" He says. Tears spill past my eyelashes and I kiss him, grasping the sides of his face. The passionate kiss is interrupted by a knock at the door. It's a tall man, probably in his 50's. Blue eyes and brown greying hair. But his face is strikingly familiar. The face is that I can only allude to mine and Darla's. He opens his mouth and speaks.

"Sorry about that. Can I please speak to Christina. I'm Brad. Your father."

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