Chapter 6 - The Chase

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1. A firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

2. Alex Cahill

The week at school was intense. I never knew that Alex had the drive to get someone so much. Everytime I opened my locker a new note floated out. More poems, sayings and even one that said: I like you lots. Kiss my face? <3. That one made me laugh a little. He would not stop. He obviously had no boundaries. In Early Childhood we were working on nurturing our (fake) child when he ran his hand over my tummy."I can't wait until we have a real one." He said with a broad smile. I then preceded to wack him over the head with our parenting log but he continued.

"So I don't know wether to get ombre hair or highlights. I mean what do you think would suit?" A brunette named Mackenzie asks us. "Well it's sort of not gonna suit if you get ombre. Honestly maybe you should get a haircut instead." Taylor says, twirling her own hair.  She didn't get to respond after that because Alex walks up with some friends. One of them carries a portable keyboard. The other has a small seat. That one says, "Man I see why your doing this. She's pretty."

I blush and stand up looking at Alex. "You're crazy you know that. I'm taken remember?" He snorts at this and sits down. "That douche ain't got nothin' on me." He starts to play When I Was Your Man. Well I did say I liked Bruno Mars. He changes the lyrics though.  I would buy you flowers, and hold your hand. When he finishes all my friends clap, in awe of him. "Ok now take your shirt off!" One of them shouts. They all laugh and he whips it off. I try to not stare it his toned abs. And his arms. So muscular.  I go over to him and grab his arm. "Put your shirt back on and come with me."

"Woah hold it don't you want to admire." He says with a grin.

"You can't be so public about this. Will is going to find out."

"I hope he does cos' I need to show him how to treat women." I roll my eyes. We walk underneath the bleachers. "Everyones gonna think we're making out." I say. He flashes a dimply grin. "Well lets not disappoint them." Ugh. "Actually in all seriousness how's your mum?" He asks suddenly. "Well she's better but she'll probably be in there for another few weeks." I say grimly. He squeezes my shoulder. "Call me if you need someone to talk to ok." He says and he leaves.

Tuesday and Wednesday he holds back on the romantic gestures. Only a few notes and a tape of him playing some songs. I listen to it as I make dinner, or do homework and it sends me to sleep. It's soothing but it's touching. He plays all the songs he knows I love and a few he made himself. His voice puts you in a trance. On Thursday I visit my mother. She assures me shes fine just a little sick and having osteoarthritis makes it a little harder on her body. I talk to my aunty and Margaret on the phone. She's having the time of her life with the cousins.

I go home, happy things are well. I check my phone and find a few messages from Will.

Babe we're going to a party on friday at my mates.

Can u come?

Well i better plan my outfit. What time will u pick me up?

6 oclock. Wear something hot.

Oh I will. I've got a big decison to make. I don't party much, seeing as they often get way out of control but I feel like something to get my mind off things. And this is a perfect oppurtunity. I also need some time with Will. Talk about things, see where he's at. I don't know how to tell him about Alex. He makes me feel so good and nervous and I know that I don't look at him in a friends way. But I also feel like a cheater and I know Will deserves an explanation.

I still haven't figured anything out yet. On Friday at school, my friends inform me they're all going to the party as well. It's supposed to be the biggest one of the year. Maya contemplates getting her nails done again while the others discuss their outfits.

In Early Childhood, Alex walks in with Nathan, looking positively cheery. "Why are you so smiley." I ask him as I cradle Nate. "Welll I got invited to that huge party and a little birdy told me that a certain someone would be going." He says.

"Yes a certain someone will be going. With someone else." I say.

He grumbles under his breath but I know he's still in a good mood. When the bell rings I rush out with Nathan to have a quick nap before I get ready. This was going to be a hell of a night.

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