Chapter 9 - Painful Procedures

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Chapter 9 - Painful Procedures

The weekend passed by with visits to Alex and mum. Both were well. I talked to Margaret again, did homework and tended to Nathan. Our fake baby was doing well with such loving fake parents. I couldn't help but wish he was real sometimes. I loved the idea of sharing something definite with Alex. I wonder if he did too.

Ever since we confessed our love we seemed more comfortable with eachother. I guess the honeymoon stage was over though. I was growing a sense of need for him, to touch his skin and to talk to him. This was a delicate stage in a relationship. We were definitely exploring uncharted waters with it.

I walk into early childhood with my books and sit down. Alex strides in with Nathan. They both wear black sunnies. I laugh and kiss Alex on the cheek. "I thought he needed some fashion advice. His dad is just uber stylish after all." He says. I poke his dimples."Not to mention majorly good looking." We smile and focus on the lesson ahead. "Class you have one week left with your child. The logs need to be filled out and your essays need to be written on your relationship with both your partner and your baby." Our teacher says.

What will I write about Alex? Fell in love and can't get enough of him? Seems a little full on. Maybe something like 'Easy to work with, co-operative and friendly'. That seems more appropriate. Alex and I exit the classroom in good spirits. We walk out over to the tree. I stop at the bubblers for a drink when Thwack. Alex is tackled to the ground.Will sits on him and punches his face, blood spurting from his nose. Alex kicks him hard and they roll over, struggling. The audience they've attracted do nothing to stop them. They egg them on, taking sides.

Where are all the teachers? I screech at my friends and try to pull Will off. He smacks me hard but I go in again. Alex, now sweeps me away. "Don't you fucking touch her!" He says to Will. A senior from the football team finally steps in and pulls them apart easily. They pant and I can see neither of them is done. I rush over to Alex and hold a tissue to his nose. "I'm alright Tina." He says, taking the tissue himself. Will has now stalked off, the crowd uninterested, disappears.

"Hey! Wait up you douchebag!" I yell to Will. He spins around and looks down at me. "What do you want slut." He says, spitting on the ground.  I'm so angry I want to hit him "What was that for? Just leave us alone! You're insane!" I say loudly. Alex stands at my side. "Hey don't tell me what to do! I came here because this fucker stole my girlfriend!" He says.

"You hit me!" I say. "That's not the way you treat a girlfriend or anyone for that matter!" Alex steps in front of me and looks Will up and down. "We don't want trouble. Just leave Tina and I alone!" He shouts, menacing down on him. "I'm not going to leave anyone alone who fucking plays around! I saw you with that girl!" He shouts. My heart sinks so low I think I'll faint. What girl?

"It was just a girl at this party but she kissed me! I'm honestly in love with you! Things got carried away." Alex says, pulling his fingers through his hair. Will has now walked off, leaving us to stare it eachother. "You let her kiss you? Who is she?!" I spit angrily. "Honestly she just came onto me! Plus you went away with Will so I just kissed her back! Nothing serious." He says, grabbing my shoulders.

I pull away and walk off, not hearing it. I can't believe what I was hearing! I feel like I deserve an explanation. He doesn't follow me. I know he won't. Because as I just found out. Hes been hiding things from me. I spend the rest of the day snapping at people. I lay of them when Maya tells me off. "Look Tina you're my best friend and I love you but don't take your personal dramas out on everyone else!" I shutup after that. I'm lucky to have Maya. She may look ditzy but she really is fierce, clever and frank.

I go home and call my aunt, needing a relief from all the pain. We chat and I feel better than before. She's been a great friend whenever mum was sick and is really like my second mother. I kill some time by filling in my parenting log but end of making so many mistakes I snap my pen in frustration. Jealousy is an ugly disease. The next day at school, Alex is either avoiding me or not there. It's not exactly his fault but I want to blame him. He should have told me. Maya announces a girls night out on Saturday. I agree and inspect my wardrobe. It will be the perfect oppurtunity to wear that risque dress. Screw you Alex. I get a note in history from an unknown writer.
Hey beb xx c u Sat. night

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