Chapter 16- First Things First

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"Look you have to be discreet about it." I say, pushing Alex along the aisle. He reads the labels of the different products, brightly coloured and sitting there almost teasingly. "Hmm I wonder what we should get. Sizes, sizes. How about extra large?" He asks me.

I give him a long hard look (no pun intended) but he cracks into a grin. "Oh you idiot." I say, rolling my eyes and pulling some different things off the shelf. We fluster through our 'discreet' purchases in the self serve checkout and zoom home. "So you don't want any fancy dinner Tina?"

He asks when we reach the house. "No I'm full after lunch. Are you sure your mum's out?" He kisses me on the cheek. "Positive. She texted me about staying with a friend and she doesn't change her mind easily." I nod. "Well alright then."

Upstairs we fall into bed, our hot lips pressed together with blazing passion. Our mess of clothes get's tangled somewhere on the floor. "So once again, do you really love me?" Alex says, kissing up the nape of my neck. Our state of undress seem's so casual, our moods too relaxed for what's to follow. I guess this is the way love is. The comfortability of eachother and the intimacy that feels natural. I kiss him long before breaking away from his soft lips to whisper. "I will always love you." I say, nibbling his ear.


"Mediocre really isn't the word."

"No I'd say quite nice really. At first not so good but you get used to it."

"Well I for one am not a huge fan of that damn drink. It hurts my throat!" Taylor says as the girls argue over a party drink. "Well it was good for the first time I guess." Someone says making me choke on my muffin. "You alright Tina?" Taylor asks, twirling a finger in her hair.

I recover and give a sheepish smile. "Yeah just a grainy muffin you know?" I plan on telling her. After all we are best friends and she told me when she lost my virginity. But later, for now it's between me and the boy I love. "Yeah well anyway apparently those drinks are made especially for college kids who aren't ready for the real stuff so that's why it's so sweet and bitter."

I drop out of the conversation and check my phone. Alex and I are supposed to meet soon. My phone buzzes just as I touch it.

The science block cleaning closet. Don't be late ;-)

I smile. "Hey guys I'm going to see Alex." I say. They all whistle and make comments which I brush away. I quicken up my pace and find myself already at the science block. The hallway is quiet and I hiss out my boyfriends name.

"Alex!" A pair of large hands wrap around my waist and make me squeal. "Did I sneak up on you?" He says, leaning down to kiss me. "Damn you." I say, pulling back in for another kiss. He smiles and breaks apart, teasing me, his dimples indented in his cheeks.

"Come on let me show you the best hiding spot." He says, leading me into the janitors closet. It's suprisingly large and doesn't even smell bad. The supplies are packed neatly away. "Ooh romantic." I say. He presses himself flush against me and we kiss.

It's hot, hotter than your average makeout. He picks me up and I respond by wrapping my legs around his waist."You know it'd be pretty awkward if we got caught." I say between kisses. He stops and looks at me, that look in his eyes.

"That makes it more thrilling don't ya think?" He says cheekily, kissing my nose. Buzzz buzzzz! I sigh and pull my phone out of my pocket. "Oh god it's Darla." I say, the dread of my half sisters text washing over me. It's probably some trash talk. I open up the message.

Tina hey I'm sorry about
everything thats gone down. I didn't want things to be like this but I had to send you this because I'm leaving town. I've been offered a nursing job in another city and it's too good to refuse. Dad's coming with me. He needs time to sort everything out. But he will pay for all your bills until your mother recovers. That we can promise. I'm sorry for everything that's gone wrong and I wish you all the best with graduation.

Well that was surprising. I show Alex and take some time to recover. "She really sounds sincere." I say. Alex wraps me in his arms. "It's cos' she is. Anyway c'mon, let's go, we have to hand in our baby assigment." He says. We've already given back.our baby but the written component is due today in form of a test. Great fun.

We walk into class and sit through the agonizing 60 minutes of essay. When the bell finally rings Alex drapes an arm over my shoulder. "Come on, let's go celebrate life without kids." He says.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for such a long hiatus but life truly got in the way. In any case I'm back at it. This is the last formal chapter so an epilogue will be coming up soon.

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