Chapter 13 - Family Feud

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"Uh I'll just uh." I stammer, glancing between Alex and "Ok I'll be out here." He says, gesturing to the hallway. I turn back to Alex. He gives me a look. "Are you gonna be alright?"

"Yeah. It's not like some big reunion or something. He doesn't mean much to me."

"Well in any case...don't get disappointed." He says, releasing my hand.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." I say, giving him one last kiss. I walk out and my dad's sitting on the bench.

"Uh hi." I say to him. He looks up at me, rubbing his stubble. "Hello Christina. How are you?"

"Um it's Tina and I'm alright."

"Ah that's good then." He says. An awkward silence follows. I don't really know what to expect.

"Ah there's a tearoom. Do you want to go down there?" He says.

"Actually I really need to get home because I have work tommorow but I work at a restaurant so you could come at 8. That's the time I get off."

"Ok can I have the address." I write it down for him and we bid goodbye.

I decide to go back and sit with Alex. He's fast asleep so I just sit down. The meeting with my father was so underwhelming. I don't know how to feel about it but somehow I feel sad. Maybe I wasn't meant to have a father after all.


I stay with my mother overnight and only leave for my shift at 4. Alex was getting released today but he had some paperwork so we didn't talk. The night is a busy one as always and I'm flat out. In my break I sip on a coke and call Alex. "Well hello captain." He says.

"Hey Alex. How are you?"

"I'm just grand. Being free is the best thing ever!" He says and I laugh.

"Better than my kisses?"

"Never." He replies.

"But in all seriousness, Alex, I can't take your money." There's a pause.

"Why ever not?"

"Because I'll never be able to repay you and your mother will end up hating me forever."

"Trust me Tina I have more money than needed. And you haven't met my mother. She's where I got my cool from."

"But it's so much!"

"Look I've got to go but I'll meet you after work, 9pm?"

"Uh yeah ok the-"

"See you then bye love you!" He says, ending the call. It doesn't leave me anymore convinced that I deserve the money but I trudge back to work.

When it hits 8 o' clock and the rush is dying down I quick change from my work clothes into a nice little dress. I sit at a table and drum my fingers waiting. I glance at the clock which reads quarter past. I know I said 8 so I wonder what's keeping him.

He breezes inside at half past with Darla, resulting in extreme annoyance for me. "Hi Tina." He says without even an apology. "You know Darla." He says and I nod. She doesn't even look at me. They look through the menu and we order.

My workmate Linda who's our waitress for the night gives me a 'what the hell!' look. "So you work here?" My father says to me. "Yeah I really liked so I've been here a couple of years." I say.

"How's Alex Chrissy?" Darla says. I can see her sharp eyes glint at me. "Oh well he's out now and slowly recovering."

"That's good." She says but I know she doesn't mean it.

"Is he the one who left you?" My father says in a hushed voice. She nods quickly back at him and I can see the distaste in his expression. "Actually, Alex my boyfriend who I love very much was left by you."

"Hah! Whatever." She says uninterested.

"Let's just all get along." My father says. Our meals come out and for a moment we're distracted. "So how's your mother doing Tina?"

"Oh you know, fighting for her life without any financial support but she's ok."

"Now look here I don't want her to be bad off but it's not my fault she has these problems-"

"And it's hers?! I am the only one who supports her. You know aunt Mona can't pay all our damn bills! It's fucking hard!"

"Don't try and leach money off of me! I have no obligation to pay you!"

"No obligation to your daughter! That's thick! You buy little miss princess all she wants for. I. Never.Had.That." I say, enunciating every word.

We all stare eachother down.

My father opens his mouth to retort but I get to my feet. "Save it, Brad." I say his name. He's not my dad anyway. "I'm so glad you're a disappointment. I don't have to feel like I've been mising something."

And I turn on my heel back into the kitchen. My boss lets me stay in there until my horrible relatives are gone. When it finally hits 9 I leave to the safety of the cool night air. A car swings up next to me. It's Alex, wearing a grey suit and tie. "Oh Captain my captain!". He shouts from the window.

I laugh and jump in the passenger side. "Are you alright?" He asks as he leans over to kiss me. "No. My shitty family are even shittier than before." Instead of laughing he touches my face.

"Why do we have to know people who suck?" He asks, casting his arms up in the air. "We don't. That's the good thing. I don't even care about Darla and Brad."

"That's my strong captain! Now let's go. I'm taking you to mine."

"What's the special occasion? Me stealing 20 grand off you?"

"Well I've informed my mother and she's fine with it but she really wants to meet you."

"Oh gosh how am I gonna act?"

"Don't worry she's cool remember."

"Yeah yeah."

"Also we've got to take care of Nathan."

"Ah yes our darling baby." We spend the car ride listening to good music and singing along. "Tina we need to date more."

"I'm sold."

"I really want to take you out. When we graduate and your mum gets better."

"Ok. I mean I only want to spend time with the person I love." I tell him. We reach his gorgeous mansion and he sits at his piano. "I want to write music Tina." I look at his blue eyes. "For real? Like as a career?"

"Yep. I always have but you know. Other things get in the way."

"Go for it! You'd be great!"

"Well actually my mum's also coming down because I got some interest from a big record

company." He smiles at me.

"What? That's fantastic!" I say. He grins cheekily with his dimples.

"I've been sending them demo tapes for ages and after we graduate they're gonna get me to record an Ep." I grab his face in my hands and kiss his lips. "I love you so much. And I'm so proud! I have a boyfriend with a real future!" I shout. He laughs and we continue to kiss. "We've got a future." He says. And at this moment, I know he's right.

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