Chapter 11 - Bad Vibes

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"Mum never told me I had a sister." I say, the coffee burning my hand. But I don't care. I have a sister and I'm only finding out now. There's one other thing though. "I always knew but mum and dad weren't interested." Darla says, interrupting my train of thought. Nice. "So how old are you?" I ask her.

"Just turned 17. You're 16 right?" I nod. So dad cheated? Or mum was his fling? I'm just so confused. "Look my shift finished an hour ago and I really need to get home but let's catch up soon. Cya." She says giving me and Alex a quick hug. I wonder. Alex looks down at his IV dripped wrists. "So how do you sister?" He hesitates before answering. "She's my ex."

*                           *                         *

"Why haven't you mentioned it before?" I say, the hurt registering in my voice. "I didn't think you'd be interested in my first serious girlfriend." He says, a guilty expression on his voice. "Did you ever...?"

"No you know I've never! Look she's in my past now but you're in my present."

"Did you only like me because... because I look like her?"

"Ok no Tina! Stop thinking like that you're being stupid."

"Look you've kept things from me so I'm not angry just disappointed. Wouldn't I tell you about someone important?"

"Yeah but she isn't important. Not anymore. Look she betrayed my trust and she's like nothing to me."

"What happened? I think you would've told me."

"Tina can we not it's not important."

"Just tell me I deserve to know! She's my sister and you're my boyfriend!" I say, rising to my feet.

"Calm down. Look she did something and I can't forgive her for it ever."

"What did she do!"

"She cheated on me Tina! With your ex boyfriend!" I'm speechless. My sister cheated on me with...Will? "Was this when we were together?"

"Yes when you were first together."

Ok I guess I could take that. But I'm hurt. We were both cheated on and then we found eachother.

"Tina that's not all. She... she got pregnant." Oh. My. God. Now that's pushing it. Seriously did that happen. "How come I never found out?"

"Will didn't want anything to do with it. She just moved away."

"So her baby is like a few months old?"

"Who knows cos' she adopted it out. But her dad...Your dad was pretty angry about the whole thing."

"Wow cheating really does run in our family. I mean that's how she came to be."

"Yeah it's odd. But she left me after I found out. I wanted to stay with her. Raise it as my own."

"You guys were pretty serious then?"

"Extremely. We were together two years." I drop his eyes. I can't believe any of this is happening. Or has happened. "Hey I should really go. Hang in there." I say.

"Wait Tina." He says, grabbing me. He kisses me, just like the first time. But I feel overwhelmed. "Cya." I say, pulling away. 


After an agonizing week in which Alex has surgery and my finals begin I find time to call Darla. "Hey it's Christina."

"Oh hey!"

"I was wondering when you wanted to get together?"

"Um I have Uni today but I can go Saturday."

"Ahh cool how about lunch?"

"Yeah sure! Actually I know this really nice place I'll pick you up!'

"Ok do you know my address?"

"Uh yeah dad, uh gave it to me."

"Oh um ok well see you then."

Her dad. My dad. I don't know if I want to meet him. I've played our meeting in my brain for so many years. It either goes good or bad. But there's so many questions. And what does he look like? Where does he work? What's his ethnic background.

So much of my life is still unexplained. But not for long. I need these answers. I wake up at 10 on Saturday Morning to see 4 missed calls from my aunty. She probably accidentaly dialled me because she really is a technophobe. I choose a cute little dress to wear and swipe on some makeup.

I ought to call Aunt back but I hear Darlas' car swing up out front. I jump in to find her dressed in a nice pink dress. "Hey Chrissy!" She says, pulling me in for a hug. Never been called that one before. But I know she's just being nice. "So where are we going?"

"Oh um I thought we could go to this little greek restaurant."

"Ok cool!" I said, trying to be friendly.

We made idle chit chat but the ride was mostly awkward. When I hop out of the car the sweet little food place is filled with pretty couples. Um awkward! Oh well, it's not too bad. We take our seats and the handsome waiter comes by. "Drinks girls?" Some kind of ultra flirtiness has kicked into Darla and she wraps her hair around her finger. "I'll have ice tea thanks!" She smiles. I order a coke and scan through the menu.

"I really like the wraps here. But the salad is so much healthier." Darla says absentmindedly. "I think I'll go with the salad." she says. When the waiter returns with our drinks we order. "So why did you want to study nursing?" I ask her, pushing the ice cubes in my glass around.

"Well I met the nicest nurse when I was in hospital. I assume Alex told you about my baby so yeah. But it really made me want to do it." I nod, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I think I'd like to study something similiar to what my mum got. I just want a cure or anything." I say. She nods but I don't think she's entirely sure about my mothers condition. "So you used to date Alex." I say while we eat our meals. "Yeah we met at a concert and stuff. We were kinda serious."

"He's amazing." I say. "And he just makes me feel amazing too."

She nods but looks down at her food.

"See I thought that about him as well. But I'll let you be surprised as your relationship progresses."

I give her a confused look. "What?"

"How long have you been dating? Less than half a year. I'd expect he's getting bored by now." Um excusme? Theres no way I'm standing for that. "Uh Alex and I are pretty close. Why would he be bored?" She scoffs, looking at her fingernails.

"He got bored with me. Why do you think we'd break up. We were perfect for eachother." I can't believe she has the audacity to say such a thing. "Or maybe you had sex with someone else and got knocked up." She stands up and glares at me, her eyes staring sharply at mine. She seems to consider something for a minute, before sitting down.

"That's in the past." She says, nonchalantly.

"Look I think we should be going now. I have alot of studying." She says, grabbing her bag. We stand up and walk to the car. Our trip home is a cold one and we don't speak except to say goodbye. "Oh and Tina, my dad wants to meet you soon." She says. I slam the door and she rushes off.

My dad? Well that was an unsuccesful day. I go upstairs on flop on my bed. My phone reads 12 missed calls. Ok that's not normal. I frantically dial my aunties number. It rings for a bit when she picks up. "Hello what's up?" I ask her.

"Look Tina, your mothers not in great shape. I think you should come down here."

"How bad is she?"

"Look you just need to be here, ok?"


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