Chapter #8 ~ Eva

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Three wishes. Whatever he wanted. He owned her. She owed him.
Eva sat in her room, much bigger than what she was used to. She had lived in a lamp. Alone and content in a tight golden, glowing space. She had been happy, despite everything. She hadn't had a master. No one had control over her. Then he had come. The man with black in his soul and the sun on his head.

Her master. He had rubbed her lamp and ripped up her peaceful life.
Again she was a servant. Cursed to grant the wishes of the unworthy. Cursed to live for others.

Sighing, Eva rose from her seat on her soft, velvet couch and crossed the room to her wardrobe. The thing was huge! Two feet taller than herself and three times as wide. Oh, at least there was one good thing about her master this time! He spoiled her with fine clothes and amazing food! Anything she asked for and it was hers.

At least she wasn't stuck serving a selfish bandit like last time. Ugh! He had been terrible! Never gave her anything for her service!

Yeah... at the least king was generous to her. At least her life wasn't out on the streets. She was living in a castle! What could be better than that?

'Freedom.' Her deepest, most passionate thoughts told her.
She shook her head and opened the wardrobe before the hopeless idea could sink in.

Instantly a hollow happiness overcame her and a smile played on her face. In the wardrobe were the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen. Fine silk bejeweled with expensive, rare jewels. Some Eva couldn't even identify and she decided they must have come from different kingdoms; new worlds she couldn't even begin to fantasize about.
The most abundant jewel in the collection was the sun stone. Clear, strong diamonds that shone bright with what appeared to be sunlight itself. A jewel that, as far as Eva knew, only existed in Florencia.

It was beautiful! The collection of riches in front of her. It was hers! Every jewel and dress. It all belonged to her! She had never own such things. Never worn silk or rare emeralds.

She blinked back tears at the sight. She had never had anything so nice.
She knew the king would soon send a servant to fetch her, so she quickly picked a dress. The one she grabbed was a deep, sea blue and brought out her bright, blue eyes. After putting it on, Eva stood in front of her tall, oval mirror and marveled at the sight of herself. The dress was a perfect fit, the bodice tight around her slim waist and flowing out from her hips to the floor.

Eva ran her hands over the material. It was so smooth and flowed around her like a water current around a rock. It was beautiful.

Grabbing a comb from her nightstand, Eva quickly brushed the knots from her hair and left it to fall down her back in soft, blonde waves.
They would be coming for her soon. She could feel their presence drawing closer. Quickly she finished up with a soft, rosy powered on her cheeks and a faint mist of flowery perfume on the insides of her wrists.
Just as she turned to greet the door a knock sounded.

Pulling the heavy door open, Eva looked at the man in front of her, who in turn gave her a bewilder stare. He was clearly a servant from the state of his clothes, but that was what she had been expecting. Master wouldn't come to her himself. He would have someone bring her to him. It was to be expected.

With a soft smile that sent a blush down the servant's neck, Eva said. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Shaking his head with a bewildered smile the servant recovered from his initial surprise. Slightly bowing, he said, "Right this way my lady."
He turned and lead her down the dim corridor. The whole castle, though adorned with rare art and sparkling jewels, was rather cold and frightening. Though it was supposed to be the safest place in all of Florencia, Eva didn't fancy the idea of walking the halls alone. There was something dark in the castle, something other than her master.

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