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School was pretty boring today, except for the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about when Phil kissed me yesterday. He wasn't at school, supposedly it was because he was sick but something is telling me that he isn't.

Why did he kiss me? He might feel the same way as I do. I never thought that would happen but now that it is, I can't believe it. I can't believe Phil Lester might like me, Dan Howell. I need to find out for sure.

Phil POV

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I shouldn't have done that yesterday. But it seemed like he kissed back.

No, I must have imagined it.

But he did kiss me on the cheek before I left.

No, he probably felt bad and that's why he did it, or he was confused and wasn't thinking.

Or maybe I'm wrong about all of this and he might actually like me.

I couldn't go to school today and face him so I pretended I was sick, I'm such a wimp. I'm going to try to get the courage to go tomorrow though.

*the next day*

Nope I'm not going. Ugh. Ok fine.

I slid out of bed lazily, got ready, then was off to school.

I'm not ready to face him but what other choice do I have? I can't hide from him forever, and it probably wouldn't be that bad seeing him. He does always seem to make my life a bit brighter, but I'm afraid now that things will be awkward.

Maybe I'm just exaggerating, it will be fine. It's probably just all in my head. I always over think things.

I got to school then went to my first class, which was science. I always loved science but today I wasn't really into it. I was too busy worrying over stupid things.

Before I knew it, science ended and history came.

I walked slowly into the class and went to my seat. Shortly after, I saw Dan walk in and I tried to hide my face away from him. It was too late though, he noticed me and smiled. I gave a little smile back and took a deep breath as he passed by me to get to his seat.

Since we finished the project on Tuesday, we didn't have to work on it anymore but tomorrow we're presenting it and I'm pretty nervous about that.

Today was just the teacher talking about historical events and people and other stuff that I couldn't care about. I zoned out halfway though because of my thoughts anyways so I barely knew what the teacher was saying.

The day ended and I started to walk home in relief. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and of course, it was Dan.

"Hey," he said.

"H-hi," I stuttered out, not sure what else to say.

"Why weren't you at school yesterday?" He questioned.
"Oh, I was sick," I lied hoping he wouldn't see though it.
"Yeah ok, sure Philly,"
I could tell he didn't believe me.

Then there was just an unnerving silence. I felt awkward, he was just walking next to me, not saying a thing.

"Follow me, I want to show you something," he suddenly said.


Before I even answered, he grabbed my hand and started to take me somewhere. I flinched but I didn't say a thing, I just was wondering where he was taking me.

We all of a sudden stopped at a forest.

"Dan, where are we?"

"You'll see."

I continued to follow him, not asking anything else while he was humming a chorus of some song, it was a type of song that everybody would know. Even though I've heard that little tune so many times, for some reason when Dan hummed it, I felt at peace but I was still curious of where we were going. The suspense was killing me.

We ended up on the edge of a lake, where we could perfectly see a mix of colors that formed the warm sunset, giving me too many emotions and sending shivers down my spine. The view was amazing and I stood there, taking it all in.

"Do you like it?" He smiled at me.

"Y-yeah, why did you bring us here?" I was almost speechless from the beautiful view.

"I wanted to show you something as beautiful as you"

I just stared at him and blushed then looked away.

He turned my head back so my eyes met his.

Then he lifted up my chin and softly placed his lips on mine. I felt the passion and lust just like I did with our last kiss but this one felt more loving, more sweet.

"Would you give me the honor, to be your boyfriend?" He asked.

My eyes widened, not even thinking I replied.


A/N Heyo another chapter, I've wanted to update more but I've just been too lazy to write, but hopefully I'll find the motivation to write more. Also today is my birthday woo.

- Isabella

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