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We've been living together for months now and I'm the happiest I've ever been.

I walked into the living room where Phil was and dropped on the couch right next to him snuggling into his arm.

"Remember when I first texted you on Kik?" I randomly brought up, smiling at the memories.

"Of course I do, I remember thinking, who is this strange man texting me," he said and I giggled.

"I never thought we would actually end up dating each other or even living with each other," I said.

"Do you have any regrets?" Phil asked me and I just shook my head.

"The only regret I have is not talking to you sooner, I think the first time I went up and talked with you was one of the best decisions of my life."

"Wasn't it me who went up to you?" Phil questioned while giggling.

"Whatever," I smiled shyly.

"Aw you were so shy back then, and you're still even shy now," Phil teased me while holding my hand.

"I think you made me a bit less shy," I admited.

"In what ways?" Phil said smirking with a wink.

"Shut up, you know," I just laughed while Phil moved closer.

Suddenly he was on top of me and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'm so glad I met you," Phil said sweetly and his voice still makes my heart flutter. I'm so lucky to have him.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I do," I say as I smiled and gave him another peck on the lips.

"And I love you."

The end

A/N Hello I finally finished this story, I really hoped you liked it. I kinda wasn't sure how I would end it so I just did it like this. If you want to check out some of my other stuff you can if you want but anyways bye for now.

- Isabella

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