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I woke up and got out of bed. I can't stop thinking about yesterday, I finally had the courage to kiss him again and ask him to be my boyfriend. I just can't believe he said yes. I've been waiting to ask that for a while.

Today we're both presenting our project and I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous. I'm a shy person and also very self conscious so it's hard for me to present in front of people.

I finished getting ready and headed out to walk to school. I waited outside because Phil and I wanted to walk together today.

After I few minutes, I saw him heading towards me and I waved at him while he waved back.
"Hey," he said with a smile. "Hey," I replied as we started walking.
"So, are you nervous about presenting the project?" he asked me.
"A bit, what about you?"
"Yeah, I guess I am."

On the way to school we discussed how we were going to be presenting so we didn't forget and then we talked about random things, like how obsessed with Kanye I am, the usual.

After all that talking we got to school in what seemed like no time at all, we parted ways as I went to my math class and he went to his science class.

Math class was pretty boring. The math teacher is so strict and always yells at me to do my work, it's pretty annoying. If I try, I'm pretty good at math but I'm too lazy to do all the calculations and stuff ugh and I get bored really easily.

The bell rang. I got all my books and headed off to history. My hands were shaking a bit because I was nervous to present, but I know I'll do fine with Phil by my side.

I enter the class and see Phil, I waved at him then took my seat.

The presentations started. First it was Becky and Jessica and they did their presentation on the history of fashion. Of course it was on fashion because everyone knows they're obsessed with that kind of stuff. Jessica did most of the talking and I could have sworn in the middle of it when Becky tried to say something, Jessica mumbled "shut up Becky, you slut." It wasn't their best presentation but it wasn't their worst.
(sorry I had to add all that in because #bessica5ever)

Then after them it was Chris and Pj. They did theirs on different wars that contributed to our nation and after them I got even more nervous because it was really good. I don't even like history but I loved their presentation. Chris and Pj always do things like that, I wish I could be that confident and creative in projects.

After them there were a few more, it was Sean and Mark, Chloe and Max, Tyler and Josh, then it was us.

The teacher called us up. We both got out of our seats and made our way to the front.

I was really nervous but just before we started, Phil grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze to insure me that everything will be alright.

"Hello everyone, my name is Dan."
"And I'm Phil."
"And today we will be talking to you about world war 2."


As we ended the presentation, the whole class clapped and I felt a sense of relief. Phil looked at me and I could tell he was relieved too.

We both took our seats and listened to the rest of the people presenting.

After that the day ended quickly so I packed up my things and headed home.

Right after I started walking, Phil ran up beside me.

"Hello, boyfriend."
I smile at that name. Boyfriend. I feel so lucky to be his.
"Hey Philly," I replied happily.

"So Danny, now that we're done the project, do you want to go to my house to celebrate?" He asked.
"Sure," I replied, and with that I took his hand into mine as we peacefully ventured off to his house.

A/N I hope you liked that chapter, ok so question, smut? Or no smut? I might write some if you guys want it so just tell me if you do. Also if you want check out one of my newer fanfictions, that is going to be more of a poetic fanfic and it's also gonna be pretty short, it's called left - phan and you guys should check it out (gotta get that promo) ok byee

- Isabella

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