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I woke up naked, in unfamiliar bedsheets. It all came back to me, last night was amazing but it was also my first time, I wonder how Phil would feel if I told him that.

I turned my other side and saw Phil just finishing up getting dressed. He turned and looked at me with his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

"Good morning," he smiled to me.

"Good morning."

I got up lazily out of bed and went to get changed, I almost forgot I was naked. Phil was staring at me and I blushed, scrambling to get my clothes.

Phil giggled at me.

"What?" I asked while putting on my pants.

"It's just that you weren't blushing that much last night when you were naked," he smirked.

I blushed even more but then started giggling a bit too.

"Do you want to make some pancakes with me, Danny?"

I smiled, "You had me at pancakes."

After I finished getting dressed, Phil took me by the hand downstairs to go make the pancakes.


By the time we finished and ate the pancakes, the whole kitchen was a mess and Phil and I were covered in the batter.

"How did this even happen?" I asked Phil while laughing.

"I don't even know, but the pancakes were delicious" Phil smiled back at me.

Phil forced me to clean up the mess with him and about half an hour later we were done and we both collapsed on the couch.

"You wanna watch anime?" I randomly suggested.

"Sure, death note?"

"No, we always watch that."

"Then, what do you want to watch?"

"Free!" I said all of the sudden getting excited.

"What's that?" Phil asked me while I widened my eyes in shock.

"How have you not heard of Free!? It's only one of the best animes ever!" I practically yelled at him.

"Well ok then let's watch it and I'll see how amazing it really is."

I smiled and quickly turned on the tv and put it on.

Hours went by, I could tell I got Phil into this anime. I think I was annoying him a bit though, because the whole time I kept on talking about how amazing the show is and how I'm so obsessed with Haru.

Before we knew it, we've already finished the first season.

"So how did you like it?" I asked Phil happily.

"It was amazing, I need more," Phil said excited.

"You know, there's a second season," I told him and he lit up.

"Wait really?! Can we watch it?"

I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late, I didn't want to but I decided I should go home, especially because I didn't remember to tell my mom that I was staying at Phil's house.

"Maybe another time, I should get home."

"Are you sure? You can stay another night if you want," he pouted at me, he's so adorable.

"No, my mom's probably worried about where I am," I said while getting up and getting my things.

I walked up to his front door, "I'll see you later."

"Bye, Danny," Phil said to me while giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.

I smiled and with that I left and starting to make my way home.


I entered my house to see my mom on the couch, watching her usual cooking shows.

"Hi, honey where were you?" She asked but by the tone in her voice I could tell she already knew.

"I stayed over at Phil's house."

"Oh, okay," she replied with a little smile. I could have sworn I heard her mumble,"They better have used protection."

I went upstairs to my room and for the rest of the night, all I did was watch YouTube. At around 3am I got tired and finally decided to go to bed.

I closed my eyes and hoped for a good night's sleep.

A/N Hey, I hoped you liked that little chapter. I'm starting school in a couple of weeks ugh maybe I'll try to finish this before then but I don't know that's probably not gonna happen since I procrastinate way too much. So yeah, byee.

- Isabella

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