Luke (Bonus)

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As the lights went out, I kicked off my shoes and rested my head on the arm of Nick's couch. My entire body ached. I had walked through blizzards, rain storms, and blazing heat all on that same day without rest, so this was a nice change.

This place, Zootopia, seemed to feature a variety of different biomes, which I assumed were to better suit all of the different animals that lived there.

Everything here is so strange. I thought. It was all so new to me, and I really wanted to go home, to what I knew. Being there made me feel so out of place, and I didn't belong to it. I had to get back. Back to my world.

In order to get out though, I'd have to figure out how exactly I got there in the first place. I didn't have the slightest idea, and thinking about it just made me feel more exhausted, so I gave up and closed my eyes. At first, it was a little difficult to find sleep, but eventually it found me instead, and reality began to slip from my grasp as if it were made out of sand.

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